Sunday, December 11, 2022

Europe's Top Diplomat Says EU Defence Stockpiles 'Almost Empty' Despite Increase In Spending

German soldiers walk beside tank howitzers 2000 prior to transportation to Lithuania at the Bundeswehr army base in Munster, northern Germany, Feb. 14, 2022. - Copyright AP Photo/Martin Meissner  

Euronews: EU defence stockpiles 'almost empty' despite increase in spending, Borrell warns 

Defence investments in Europe are increasing but stockpiles are "almost empty" and critical defence capabilities are lacking, the European Union's top diplomat said on Thursday. 

 "The war in Ukraine has been a brutal wake-up call for many of us," Josep Borrell told people gathered in Brussels for the release of the European Defence Agency (EDA)'s annual spending report. 

 "For years we have been under-investing and this has meant that our stockpiles have been quickly depleted due to the fact that we are providing them to Ukraine," he said.  

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WNU Editor: So where is all the money going?


Anonymous said...

This is what happens when you run a military on the cheap. The first thing you do is cut back funding for stockpiles, ammo , fuel, food whatever. The second thing you do is cut back on maintenance.
Lastly you cut back on training..

You gut your depth of experienced and ability. These guys are in no position to fight the Russians.

But maybe using Nuclear weapons will solve all their problems. The Brits, French and American have them and why not use them? They can all be like Madeline Albright after being asked about the death of 500,000 Iraqi kids... it was worth it.

Anonymous said...

An addition...where is all the money going.???

Maybe they are restocking and have bought the materials they need. But it takes a long time between the order and the delivery. In normal times on some items we are talking a year out or longer before taking delivery. They may be able to shorten that time, but that varies on multiple inputs.

The war could be long over before the build up has an effect on this situation.

They should have started this build up back in February when the war started if not before. But this is money and we have other priorities, like CRT for all, covid shots, climate change and for the Americans... don't forget 10% for the big guy. :)

Anonymous said...

"They can all be like Madeline Albright after being asked about the death of 500,000 Iraqi kids... it was worth it."

There is a cost of leaving Saddam in power.

- Invaded Iran
- Invaded Kuwait
- Invaded Saudi Arabia
- Tried to start a war with Israel
- Operation Anfal against the Kurds.
- Shia after Gulf War I :Est. 25,000–180,000 killed (mostly civilians)
- Shis uprising all the time in Iraq because the government was sooooo representative.

Fixed that for trollface 12:43

Anonymous said...

Virologist who funded Wuhan lab - then tried to silence claims COVID leaked from it - shares videos of himself in Thai bat cave with 2.5 million of the animals believed to have triggered pandemic

Anonymous said...

Yeah, and Iraq is so much better off today than it was then, right? Actually, fuck that. How many American lives did regime change cost? I'm sure Geo H W Bush knows, but don't ask him. He's got his nose buried too far up Obama Muhammad's ass to give a rosy fucking shit.

Anonymous said...

"So where is all the money going?"

I'll tell you exactly where it's going: same place all their military "expenditures" went before they finally woke up ... into a black hole of no return. Trump was right about NATO, but shhh ... don't tell anyone.

Anonymous said...

Lol, that’s about right

Anonymous said...

3:15 cannot compete. Went shrill instead

Anonymous said...

lol which dumb country would invade the EU when it's destroying itself faster than any army could

Anonymous said...

Like how 1243 likes to mix up facts to support his own gas lighting campaign.

Invaded Iran. Yes with US support

Madeline albright was a war criminal who escaped the noose. Another hillary pushing a neocon agenda.

The other Iraqi operations.. yep he was a nasty individual.

and the point to your argument is??

Anonymous said...

^ Skoda boy is still at it.

Anonymous said...


Once again you missed the main point.

Why do the Europeans not have enough ammo?
And since they do not have enough ammo what are their options?

Members of the block have nuclear weapons. will they now be forced to use them?

So what is your analysis of the situation?

Anonymous said...

No mixed up facts. I listed Saddam's actions.

Anonymous said...

you mean 1252

Anonymous said...

i mean 2:02

Anonymous said...

but 6/7 of those you listed happened prior to gulf 1

Anonymous said...

The invasion of Kuwait and the Invasion of Saudi Arabia and the SCUD attacks on Israel happened before 1991?


Russian trolls reek of desperaiton.