Wednesday, December 21, 2022

FBI Issues Statement On The Twitter Files. Calls It A Conspiracy Theory

Zero Hedge: FBI Says Twitter Infiltration Business As Usual , Slams 'Conspiracy Theorists' 

The FBI has issued a statement in response to the Elon Musk's release of THE TWITTER FILES, which boils down to 'Of course we've embedded ourselves in social media companies, and anyone who has a problem with it is a conspiracy theorist trying to tarnish our stellar reputation.'  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: Unbelievable.


Anonymous said...

US federal law enforcement agencies can no longer be trusted. They have been infiltrated and corrupted.

RussInSoCal said...

That absurd FBI statement is right out of your favorite Banana Republic. Or maybe the old USSR. The FBI is every bit as corrupt, dirty and dangerous to our citizens as the KGB was to wrong-thinkers then.

Deny the obvious, assert the ludicrous and lie compulsively.

Anonymous said...

The question to ask is when was the FBI EVER NOT CORRUPT?

It was corrupt under Hoover. Did it get cleansed, when he retired?

It is corrupt now. So was there a 10, 20 or 40 year window, when it was not corrupt?

If the window is short, can you be sure it was not corrupt or that you missed the corruption?

Anonymous said...

The yanks should be questioning the worth on an fbi

Anonymous said...

Well, there's corrupt and then there's CORRUPT. Unlike in times past, the FBI is now rotten to the very core. So much so that they see anyone who legitimately questions their integrity as the ENEMY. Hungry wolves are now guarding the hen house.

RussInSoCal said...

9:23 PM

When we grew up the FBI were the good guys. Television and movie heroes. I'm sure that the FBI has been at some level corrupt and subversive from its inception (Hoover). But not in the wildly excessive, criminal way it operates now. Now the FBI is totally beyond its boundaries. Now with apparently nothing better to do than scan "wrong-think" Twitter accounts and harass and raid the homes of its political opponents.

Now its nothing more than the Democrat Party Secret Police.

EG: that sanctimonious, condescending justification of its criminal behavior.

Anonymous said...

I miss the X-Files FBI.

Anonymous said...

This is not Efrem Zimbalist Jr's FBI. More Joseph Stalins..... Keep ducking

Amp1776 said...

FBI, KGB same thing really.

Anonymous said...

all agencies are corrupt. Except for those that at some instance side with my position!
now try this:

I.R.S. Routinely Audited Obama and Biden, Raising Questions Over Delays for Trump

Anonymous said...

You can rubberstamp an audit. Obama's made most of their money after he left office and it was all done on a handshake for breaks no one else would get. Obama's is worth over 100 million now. There is a lot to audit. Like how was he able to build a mansion on sacred native American ground. Did Netflix recoup tyeir money on deals with Obama? Or did it matter?

The largesse of Joe Biden's corruption all lies with Frank Biden, James Biden, Hunter Biden and others. You can audit the financial records of Joe Biden all you want and won't find a thing. If you get the emails and look at the wealth of his family the corruption is quite clear.

Fred Lapides try again.

Anonymous said...

We're going to have to stop calling stories like this about government corruption 'unbelievable.' It's become very much believable.