Monday, December 26, 2022

Iran Releases Chilling Video On How They Would Respond To An Israeli Strike On Its Nuclear Facilities


Daily Mail: Iran threatens to raze Tel Aviv to the ground in chilling video explaining how Tehran would respond to an Israeli strike on its nuclear plant 

* The violent video, posted on Twitter, includes terrifying explosions and missiles 

* It contains a step-by-step process of how Iran would raise Tel Aviv 'to the ground' 

* 11 years ago former president of Iran Khamenei made the same threat to Tel Aviv 

Iran has threatened to raze Tel Aviv 'to the ground' in a chilling video explaining how Tehran would respond to an Israeli strike on its nuclear plant.   

The violent video - shared on Twitter - begins by acknowledging how the Zionist regime conducted 'another joint exercise with the US' to 'simulate an attack on Iran's nuclear facilities'.   

A confident reporter in the video said: 'Let's assume that Israeli jets manage to reach the Natanz nuclear site in one piece, and let's assume that they manage to bomb this site and damage it.  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: This is a follow-up on Iranian media reports last month on what sites Iran would strike in a war with Israel .... Iran-backed media outlet reveals 'sensitive' sites Iran will strike in war against Israel (Middle East Monitor).


Anonymous said...

Israel has one of the best and tested air defenses.

Anonymous said...

99.9% Is the effectivesness of Israel missile defense.

Iran's attack would be like a dissolve solids in liquids passing through a water through 1 micron filter

Dave Goldstein said...

First missile from iran will be the last.

Anonymous said...

A first strike on Iran would have to be massive and decisive, and I'm sure that's already in the plans. Israel will inevitably be hit, but the question is, how many hits and how hard? So, defensive measures would have to be at least as well prepared as offensive measures. And it's not just Iran. Lebanon and the Palis are wild cards, as are potential strikes on Israeli nuclear facilities. That's a lot of contingencies to cover. On the other hand, the situation will definitely not be getting better the longer this gets put off.

B.Poster said...

Israelis air defenses are likely to easily thwart any attack by Iran. Furthermore if/when Israel acts to take out Iran's nuclear weapons program I expect they'll take it out before Iran even knows what happened.

The Iranian threats are such that Iran is very unlikely to be able to actually deliver on them. Iranian leadership may be so full of hubris that believing their own messaging they may actually try.

Even though Iran probably can't make good on the threat I expect the Israelis to take the threat seriously and to be prepared. After all underestimating an adversary is dangerous. Such a problem is further magnified when one overestimate their own abilities in addition to this. I don't expect the Israelis to make these mistakes.