Wednesday, December 28, 2022

Is The CIA Directing Sabotage Attacks Inside Russian Territory?

A fire at the Russian Aerospace Forces' Central Scientific Research Institute in Tver in April, via TASS.  

Jack Murphy: The CIA is using a European NATO ally’s spy service to conduct a covert sabotage campaign inside Russia under the agency’s direction, according to former U.S. intelligence and military officials. 

The campaign involves long standing sleeper cells that the allied spy service has activated to hinder Moscow’s invasion of Ukraine by waging a secret war behind Russian lines. 

 Years in the planning, the campaign is responsible for many of the unexplained explosions and other mishaps that have befallen the Russian military industrial complex since Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine in February, according to three former U.S. intelligence officials, two former U.S. military officials and a U.S. person who has been briefed on the campaign. The former officials declined to identify specific targets for the CIA-directed campaign, but railway bridges, fuel depots and power plants in Russia have all been damaged in unexplained incidents since the Kremlin launched its full-scale invasion of Ukraine in February.   

Read more ....  

Update: Report: The CIA Is Directing Sabotage Attacks Inside Russia (  

WNU Editor: The Nord Stream pipeline attack was the wake-up call for everyone on what was (and is) happening. What concerns me is when is the blow-back going to happen. You can take this to the bank. The Kremlin is going to retailiate.

And as to who is that NATO ally that the CIA is using to conduct this covert sabotage campaign. I agree with Jeffrey Kaye (see tweet below) that it is probably Poland.


Anonymous said...

1) Poland? are you sure? I thought the previous consensus was Great Britain. I am not going to look up old WNU guesses on this.

2) Does the CIA have operatives in Russia? If they did it is a secret or we would hope it is a secret. So many operative got rolled up in china and maybe elsewhere, I am kind of shocked about the talk of CIA assets in Russia.

I thought the CIA took their place beside the KKK, FBI and ANTIFA as shock truppen and Schutzstaffel for the Democrat party.

3) Suppose it is CIA assets and the Russians can prove it. it means nuclear war is much more likely and it means that the US will not back down from a nuclear war. That is the way I read it. So the Kremlin better be careful what it wishes for.

4) Bakhmut: It is almost January. If We are told tales of the Russians kicking ass in Bakhmut, but it will be in February, you had better get a new crystal ball.

If the Russians can only operate at the platoon level, does that mean they have lost cohesion? What does that portend?

5) The Kutsenov is a canary in a coal mine.

6) After the latest drone attack on a Russian airfield there are question on Russian air defense. At any rate Russia moved bombers form Engels airbase to the Far east. Aircraft destroyed or not destroyed, to it does not matter in the short run. Those bombers are not available to lob cruise missiles at Ukraine for the time being. Mission accomplished.

Best case scenario is for Russia to dump Putin and in concert with China hang out Biden's dirty laundry.

Anonymous said...

you need to get over your Biden hangup. The CIA operated under Trump and before him. Biden's dirty laundry? We are now getting Trump's and does that stink. In two days we get his tax returns. You know, the ones he could not reveal because, he said, they were under audit, except they were not.

Anonymous said...

John Brennan the head of the CIA lied about Russia Collusion He want on many TV networks and lied up a storm. In court he sang a different tune. In my view that is material. It affects our foreign relations for example. Brennan's penalty? Maybe he gets a hummer from Nina Burleigh for taking one for the team.

Trump taxes? What business are they of yours? Are you jealous of Trump? I am. I bet you are two. He is richer than me. difference is, it gnaws at you day and night.

If there were something wrong with Trump's taxes, the FBI, CIA or IRS head would tell Congress. Other than that it is not your business honey. Trump can pay as little or as much as the law legally allows. Do not like depreciation, tax shelters, or something else. then contact your congressman and change the law!

Dirty laundry: Bill Clinton overpriced his old underpants to inflate tax write-off

Trump's taxes are out of order, but Bill Clinton's are not?

What Billy Clinton should have done is auctioned off his old underwear. His net income would be higher. Some fool like yourself would buy them at auction for a high price and then sniff them and rub your face in it.

The New York times already printed 2 years of Trumps tax returns. But 2 years is not enough; need a whole decade for reasons...

- This new document dump will look like the last one. Trump is not doing his taxes any differently than other billionaires.

- The NYT got ahold of 2 years of Trump's tax records. It means some UIRS employee broke the law. There are lot of people more distrustful of the IRS because of the breach of responsibility.

Small caps people, like yourself were all worked up that Trump might build a hotel in Moscow. Well Hunter got a billion dollar deal with China that much more experienced and wealthier investors did nor get.

Trump has built hotels before. If he had one in Moscow it would be within what he has done in the past. Hunter had never done deals anywhere near that big. so yeah it look like the Biden family is neck deep in the Chinese pocket.

So small caps, stick it.

Anonymous said...

6:26 is not so bright.

If Putin went and only Putin went, it would be a good thing for Russia. Fewer Russians would die. This is good.

However the downside is that the Russians would be humiliated vis-vis the Americans. This would incline the Russians to double down and double down until we get to a nuclear war.

If however if both Putin and Biden were forced out, the Russians could hang their head high (or somewhat higher).

Does Biden deserver it? Yes, that crook does. The downside is the Biden clan would have to get real jobs.

Anonymous said...

All of our recent presidents and potential presidents have made their taxes public in order that we know if there is a foreign connection, something illegal, or irregularities. Trump did not make his public and stated (a lie) he was under audit. He was not. None of my business? Alas if you are on top of things you would by knowing there are some legal irregularities that have been found and this is NOT simply you show my yours and I'll show you mine.
As for jealousy: heck no! The chickens will be roosting in early March.I am hardly jealous of that clown and am perfectly content with my life, my family, my friends.

Anonymous said...

I assume you have not taken the trouble to look about at Trump issue of illegalities on tax returns. To help you, then, go here

As for Biden son Hunter, I raise you and ask about Kuschner"I had no clue Hunter Biden was on the ballot. Jared was a WH employee and secured billions from the Saudis. I love the deflection," Twitter user @jeanvas5 said on Thursday.

Another Twitter user wrote: "Hunter Biden: Does personal business deals as a private citizen. Jared Kushner: Got a $1 billion loan from the Saudis while working in the WH, and a $2 billion investment from the Saudis months after leaving the WH. GOP wants to investigate one of them. Guess which!"

Anonymous said...

You really are not so beriught are you?

Take the following statement which you regurgitated:

"All of our recent presidents and potential presidents have made their taxes public in order
that we know if there is a foreign connection, something illegal, or irregularities."

This is not possible with

a) an IRS audit or review
b) an IRS audit and congressional audit
c) It must be made public because of reasons...

What do you mean by recent? that should be defined.

Clinton and Obama were professional politicians. they arranged their taxes "just so" to get elected afterwards Katy bar the door, they were into all sorts of sweetheart deals. It is amazing how presidents and VPs can suddenly be wroth 100 million dollars after office inside of a decade. That is faster work than many if no most billionaires who have an actual product or provide and actual service.

What is customary is not necessarily what is law. If it is only customary, you cann0t legally force people to do something. You can go about threatening and brow beating people and that is what Democrats did. SCOTUS relented because they have been under vicious assault by the left for over a decade.

Anonymous said...

Lol cia propaganda above

Anonymous said...

Yes, 8:04 is CIA or FSB propaganda