Wednesday, December 28, 2022

South Koreans Are Shaken By North Korea's Recent 'Drone Invasion'


DNYUZ/New York Times: South Koreans’ Steely Nerves Are Shaken by North Korean Drone

SEOUL — When Washington and Seoul warned earlier this year that North Korea was planning its seventh nuclear weapons test, most South Koreans hardly batted an eye.

Many in the South have grown so used to North Korean saber rattling that they often dismiss the country’s frequent military provocations as predictable attempts to garner attention. But this week, North Korea was able to shake the steely nerves of many South Koreans using a weapon much cheaper and less sophisticated than a nuclear warhead.  

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WNU Editor: Even though this border incursion shocked many South Koreans, North Korean drones still have problems .... Despite border incursion, North Korean drones face fuel shortages, frequent crashes (RFA).

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