Wednesday, December 28, 2022

Is The Current Global Economic Order Unfair?

GT's 2022 Global Public Opinion Survey. Editor:Huo Siyu/GT,Graphic:Xu Zihe/GT  

Global Times: Nearly 80% find current global economic order unfair: GT poll 

The Global Times released the second part of the annual survey that covered participants from 33 countries on Wednesday, which showed that most participants from Western countries are unsatisfied with the current development of their countries while those from China and many non-Western countries or emerging economies are more satisfied and optimistic about their future, and many participants, especially the ones from non-Western world, believe that China could be a role model for development and able to play a leadership role to guide global development.  

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WNU Editor: This is a Chinese state media poll. But what I found interesting about it is that the countries that were the most satisfied with the current global economic order were from China, Saudi Arabia, and the UAE.  

Update: Here is another Global Times poll .... GT survey: over 60% participants believe China’s global influence rising; world concern war, energy & foods crises more than pandemic (Global Times).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It is. Sam Bankman is copping a plea. Democrats do not want him to have a long prison term or he will sing.

Never seen a case like this move so fast. For the legal world this is the speed of light.