Wednesday, December 28, 2022

The Defence Ministers Of Russia, Turkey And Syria Meet In Moscow


France 24: Russian, Syrian, Turkish defence ministers meet in Moscow for first talks since 2011 

The defence ministers of Russia, Turkey and Syria met in Moscow on Wednesday, the first such talks since a war broke out in Syria, the Russian defence ministry said.

It was also the first meeting between the defence ministers of Turkey and Syria since the start of the war in 2011.  Russia and Turkey are both involved in Syria, with Moscow supporting the Damascus regime against its opponents, and Ankara backing rebels.  

Read more ....  

Update #1: Turkish, Syrian, Russian defense chiefs hold surprise talks (AP)  

Update #2: Turkey, Syria, Russia defence ministers hold talks in Moscow (Al Jazeera)  

WNU Editor: This is laying the groundwork for the eventual meeting between Assad and Erdogan.


Anonymous said...

More evidence of the winding down of Pax America in the Middle East. Joe Biden is ending 70 years of successful American oil diplomacy. Replacing it with China, Russia, Saudi and Turkish domination.

Anonymous said...

And Americans voted for it. I don’t believe for a second that Biden got as many votes that he did legitimately, but the fact he got away with it and nothing is being done about it is evidence enough that the US empire is at its very end, and the world is trying to position itself for the power vacuum that is imminent.