Thursday, December 15, 2022

US Navy Will Name The Next America-class Amphibious Assault Ship USS Fallujah After Historic Iraq Battles

LHA 9—the future USS Fallujah—will be a sister ship to LHA 8, pictured here in an artist's conception and currently under construction at Huntington Ingalls Industries. Huntington Ingalls Industries  

USNI News: SECNAV Names Next Big Deck Amphib USS Fallujah 

Secretary of the Navy Carlos Del Toro named a future landing helicopter assault ship after the first and second Battle of Fallujah, the Navy announced Tuesday.

LHA-9, an America-class amphibious assault ship, will be called USS Fallujah, the Navy said in a news release. Del Toro announced the name at a promotion ceremony for Private 1st Class Chesty, the Marine Corps bulldog mascot. 

“The name selection follows the tradition of naming amphibious ships after the U.S. Marine Corps battles, early U.S. sailing ships or legacy names of earlier carriers from World War II,” Del Toro said during the announcement. “It is an honor for me for our nation to memorialize the Marines, the soldiers and coalition forces that fought valiantly and those who sacrificed their lives during both battles of Fallujah.”  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: Not everyone is happy with this naming .... 'Shameful': Critics Denounce US Warship Named 'Fallujah,' Site of Civilian Massacres in Iraq (Common Dreams). 

 US Navy Will Name The Next America-class Amphibious Assault Ship USS Fallujah After Historic Iraq Battles  

SECNAV Names Future America-class Amphibious Assault Ship Fallujah -- America's Navy  

USS Fallujah: Navy to name future assault ship after iconic Iraq War battles -- FOX News  

Amphibious Warship To Be Named for Fallujah Battles -- Defense One  

US names new warship 'USS Fallujah' after historic Iraq battles -- Middle East Monitor


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

This shows how far the progressive left have ingrained the military into their system and become part and parcel to the BLOB. They and their BLOBer friends are the ones who made this happen. What a hoot!!!

But the Intercept was right. We did kill a lot of civilians in Fallujah..

From the 1st battle...
I remember idiot leadership put a MG team on top of a building while a large crowd protest as going on. Someone from the crowd shot at the Team. Bad decision. MG team opened up and that was that. A 240 will put a definite dent in your health record. After that, the unit got smart and started putting snipers up there.

We killed a lot of innocent people over there. And? Well that's what happens in war. Some of you clowns are upset because the Russians are bombing towns or are guilty of war crimes for using arty on cities. I'm not. I fully understand.

Hey pal-ly .... Got news for you. We did that too and rightly so. Ugly yes. Necessary yes.

Just remember from Fallujah part 2 , what is the best way to clear a 3-4 story small building?

Provide covering fire, send a team up with a satchel charge.

Team throws explosive charge into building and runs like hell. Charge pancakes building.

Innocent People inside? Maybe, maybe not. We are not going in to find out. That's their tough luck.

Now maybe you understand.

Just one last thing. F those progressive SOBs. This is not about the civilians that died.

Naming that ship is a memorial to comrades long dead. As long as that ship sails and whenever its name is mentioned, the men who fought and died there will be remembered and not forgotten.


Anonymous said...

Worthy name from a worthy Marine battle. Anyone studying that battle can see the brilliance of the conquest of a vast ISIS /Sunni city battle field. Notwithstanding the Iraq invasion was a strategic blunder by the idiot George Bush.

Anonymous said...

Name a war where civilians are not killed? How you go about trying to minimize civilian casualties or not is the test.

I have relatives on both sides of the family, who remember Axis and allied bombing attacks.

Anonymous said...

US Libtard leadership is incapable of distinguishing victory from a defeat. Hiroshima and Nagasaki make the US victory in the Pacific a shameful act. Nevermind that it was a DEMOCRAT who dropped those bombs. Down the rabbit hole we go.

Anonymous said...

11:01 TY Rustard troll

A full scale invasion of Japan would have cost more lives than the nuke bombings.

China lost 14 million people in WW2 die to the Japanese.

The Nagasaki and Hiroshima bombings killed between 129,000 and 226,000. During the Rape of Nanking the Japanese killed 200,000 So compare the two.