Friday, January 20, 2023

Allies Fail To Reach Agreement On Sending German-Made Tanks To Ukraine


VOA: US, NATO Balk on Battle Tanks for Ukraine 

No Leopard tanks will be given to Ukraine by Germany at this time, U.S. Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Army Gen. Mark A. Milley said on Friday, at a briefing at Germany's U.S. Ramstein Air Base following an international conference on Ukraine support. 

The international meeting comes amid Kyiv's frustration with the dissent over sending tanks to Ukraine as the full-scale invasion reaches the 11-month mark. Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelenskyy made direct pleas for tanks at the meeting. 

Later Friday, in his evening address, Zelenskyy said Ukraine will have to fight to secure a supply of modern heavy armor. "Every day we make it more obvious that there is no alternative to taking a decision about tanks," he said.  

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WNU Editor: This is a big disappointment. 

Allies Fail To Reach Agreement On Sending German-Made Tanks To Ukraine  

Ramstein talks: No decision on German tanks for Ukraine -- DW  

Defense chiefs fail to resolve dispute on tanks for Ukraine -- AP  

No German decision on tanks for Ukraine despite mounting pressure -- France 24  

Germany snubs Ukraine’s tank request -- Politico  

Ukraine frustrated as Germany holds back decision on supply of tanks -- The Guardian  

Defense chiefs fail to reach deal on sending tanks to Ukraine -- The Hill  

Talks in Germany end without decision on sending Leopard battle tanks to Ukraine -- CBC


fazman said...

An agreement will be reached I the coming days , Poland will get the ball rolling

Anonymous said...

Why is Scholzy Baby and the SPD so fastidious?

If the tanks stay in Germany they will soon need to be scrapped due to malign neglect.

Why maintain a tank, when kneepads are cheaper?

Mr Nobody said...

You guys are real pie in the sky types. Either that or you are blind.
The euros are hanging the ukies out to dry.
Bear will pounce, ukies will fall back. Euros will do mostly nothing. They will wait until the lines stabilize before decision in giving any type of SIGNIFICANT aid.

RussInSoCal said...

They don't want to anger Putin. The entire German democratic process rests on Putin not releasing files on German politicians. Not to mention the energy blackmail. They're all compromised. Their whole governmental system is penetrated by Russia. Poland has been saying this quietly for a long time.

Poland has offered to give Ukraine their Leopards and buy M1's. The M1 order is already approved

Mr Nobody said...

Ok.. on the Germans....The side view not seen.

On another note
I caught your comments on this subject on former posts. You are right concerning the delivery of the US M1s. Not a good fit for this battlefield.

1.They use JP5 in vast quantities. Hard to keep up supply. Not readily available in Ukraine

2. You just don't move these things around easy. At 70 tons they need special prime movers unless you rail them directly to the front staging areas. Because of the weight, they also do a good job of ruining roads that are not well built.

3. You would need a robust maintenance package to go with these tanks, And that includes recovery vehicles capable of moving these things.

4. They are very hard on Bridges. Too much weight to handle.

5. For river crossings. They therefore, also need special bridging/river crossing equipment that would also need to be provided.

Considering the current state of Ukie Roads and rails this would be a very hard task. Drive them to the front staging areas? Not a good idea. The fuel and maintenance needs for such a drive would be extremely hard on an already weak Ukie log system.

Lastly The US would want to send a "monkey model" / export model. Why? Because some of these tanks will be destroyed/ captured. That means any optics/ commo and night vision technology will end up in Russian hands and therefore the hands of the Chinese. It will be reversed engineered.

Therefore in order to ensure valuable tech did not get transferred over, the prep time before shipment would be longer than the Lepoards even if they were to get these tanks from existing European storage facilities.

Anonymous said...

Your vulgarity reveals you

Anonymous said...

The German politicians could band together and air their dirty laundry and let the normal elections follow. What is drugs, prostitution (legal in some parts of Europe), infidelity and payoffs.

The Russians would have no more leverage.

Denmark is compromised too.

NATO chief Stoltenberg has some dirt. The Russians had a file on him. This is known. He is still in charge. Unless he is still working for the Russians, the Russian effort on data collection on him is a failure,

If a lot of European politicians did this, the FSB and GRU would have zero political/spy capital. They would be broke except for the next year's budget and would have to rebuild.

Look at Nancy Pelosi. Her husband hires rent boys. They are trying to hush it up, but if it were widely known, she would still get re-elected other than for the fact she is an octogenerian

Anonymous said...

8:03(Concern troll)

I call them like I see them.

We are in a civilizational struggle. If the SPD and others cannot stop straddling the fence, then they are neither man nor woman.

What is left? Slave?

In Rome a dominus could have slave of either sex any which way they wanted except to being on the receiving end of anything.

Anonymous said...

Point out where I am wrong.

Anonymous said...

You are on the wrong side if you see this a struggle for civilization.

What civilization are you defending? Come on name it... Let's hear about the current grandiose VIRTUOUS state of American Leadership and Culture.


Anonymous said...

Germany in their arrogance brought Putin deep into Europe's economy while cutting defense capabilities to worthlessness. They invited Russian aggression. They continue that path by blocking very useful tanks for Ukraine. Germany continues to play both sides. It’s not credible to believe Germany and Russia weren’t using back channels to reach understandings on Ukraine. Of course they have and will continue. This is Germany defying the USA and favoring Putin.

Anonymous said...

Was it arrogance or economic necessity?

The price of NG and petrol might have something to do with it.

As for cutting defense money, Of course, why pay for it when the Americans have your back with their army and nukes?

But what about the civilization thing? We would love to hear your views on that one.

Anonymous said...–Welzel_cultural_map_of_the_world#/media/File:Culture_Map_2017_conclusive.png

Anonymous said...

Germany, like all European countries, are all talk. Never listen to them, only watch their actions

Anonymous said...


Wise words