Monday, January 9, 2023

Brazilian Police Have Arrested Almost 2,000 Since Yesterday's Riots In Brasilia


Daily Mail: Brazil's insurrection crackdown: 1,200 more Bolsonaro supporters are rounded up a day after rioters trashed senate building, including slashing a £1.2million painting - as their hero ex President lives it up in Florida 

* Police rounded up 1,2000 protesters stationed in camps outside army HQ calling on military to oust Lula  * Yesterday, rioters stormed seats of power in Brasilia in bid to overturn election results 

* Insurrectionists stormed government buildings, smashed up offices and defaced art and historic objects  

* Meanwhile, Jair Bolsonaro is in Florida far away from the action   

Brazilian police have arrested more than 1,200 protesters camping out in front of its army headquarters as authorities launch a brutal crackdown on yesterday's violent insurrection attempt. 

Officers in riot gear and on horseback amassed at the encampment where supporters of Jair Bolsonaro stationed themselves after the storming of the government buildings which saw the yellow and green-clad rioters unleash chaos in the democratic chambers. 

The 1,200 arrested today were transported in dozens of buses to a police station, on top of the 400 arrested yesterday, after a top judge ordered mass detentions and a thorough investigation into the mayhem, which saw Congress, the presidential palace and the Supreme Court raided.  

Read more .... 

WNU Editor: A few observations.

Jair Bolsonaro and other Brazilian leaders have denounced yesterday's riot. The police who are mandated to protect these government buildings were clearly not ready for these protests. And as for the protestors themselves. They were not armed, and in many regions of Brazil that voted heavily against Lula there was no continuation of these protests. It looks like yesterday was a one-off. 

As for Lula himself. He must feel both angry and insecure. He is leading a radicalized and deeply divided country, and I am sure he must know that he must be careful to not make a terrible situation into something worse. 

 Brazilian Police Have Arrested Almost 2,000 Since Yesterday's Riots In Brasilia  

Live: Security forces detain 1,500 after Brasília riots -- BBC  

Live: Brazil cracks down on pro-Bolsonaro rioters after Congress stormed -- France 24  

Brazil cracks down post-riot and vows to protect democracy -- AP  

Brazilian troops clear pro-Bolsonaro camp after protesters storm capital -- Reuters  

Brazil's police forces descend on protester camps in Brasilia after attacks on state institutions -- ABC News Australia  

Brazil's state organs slam 'terrorist' pro-Bolsonaro riots -- DW 

Brazil leaders condemn ‘terrorist acts’, vow to defend democracy -- Al Jazeera  

Brazil riots raise questions of efficiency and loyalty of security forces -- France 24

Brazil envoy decries ‘grotesque and failed assault’ on democracy -- The Guardian  

Storming of Brasília government buildings in maps and videos -- The Guardian


Anonymous said...

Bolsanaro was taken to the hospital with abdominal pain. If it is not appendicitis or something like that, I will assume poisoning. i will also assume that the Dims and Lula do not care, if you know.

If it is poisoning the Us will have entered Putin territory and the US has nothing on Russia. It is no longer exceptional. Democracy is dead.

Anonymous said...

maybe this and maybe that and if this or that then possibly for sure this
thanks for the insights

Anonymous said...

Legitimate election. The left won. Ny Times agrees and that's that! Ignore the MILLIONS in the streets protesting the election irregularities. They will learn their lesson and get subdued, just like they did it with the voters in the US, imo ;)

Anonymous said...

Mr. Fred L.,

I lived in Brasil for several years. Have you?

Anonymous said...

You're both such powerful men... I'm truly in awe.

I stand up and begin clapping for you