Thursday, January 19, 2023

Canadian Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland: "Ukraine's Victory In The War Against Russia This Year Will Be A Huge Boost To The Global Economy"


WNU Editor: She said these remarks starting at the 15:30 mark in the above video.

I guess she does not believe this will be the result if Russia is defeated .... Former Russian President Medvedev Warns A Russian Defeat In Ukraine Will Mean Nuclear War.


Anonymous said...

This is what the Kiwi posted. Or at least I think they posted it.

"Russia won't lose this. Col. Douglas MacGregor reckons Ukraine has lost roughly 122,000 dead, 35,000 missing presumed dead. Russia has lost around 16,000 dead roughly 50,000 wounded. The war will end sometime in 2023. No one except politicians & generals in Europe wants war with the Russians. Keep ducking"

Adding together WIA and KIA (missing included) that is

157 Ukraine
_66 USSR

So the Soviets are killing 2.378 Ukrainians for every Russian dead or better. With artillery that could be true. But the Soviet artillery is slacking. It is 25% of what it was in the early months. The Soviets are also using incendiary shells instead of explosive shells in many cases. The Soviets have a supply/production problem.

So if that kill ratio is correct. We have the Soviets undergone 3 major retreats and why is a second "mopilization" being talked about?

For the record I have not liked Freeland before especially COVID and other things and I think she is higher than a kite now.

Anonymous said...

"Former Russian President Medvedev Warns A Russian Defeat In Ukraine Will Mean Nuclear War."

Nuclear blackmail has been something that Russia has hinted at, sometimes strongly, during the course of this war, and mostly when things are looking bad for them.

It basically boils down to:

If we lose, we'll nuke everyone.

If we win, which you better make sure we do, we'll keep our nukes in our silos.

That's effectively what Russia is saying.

Anonymous said...

Maybe she snorted some of Tinkerbell Trudeau's pixie dust?

Anonymous said...

Is Freeland from this planet or lost in space

Anonymous said...

Sometimes incendiary rounds are more effective than HE, especially in rubbled areas.

WP and FAE do a very effective job, nasty stuff.

Anonymous said...

"Sometimes incendiary rounds are more effective than HE"


We saw that with the fire bombing by the Brits, Germans, and Americans.

Getting hit by WP is a bad way to go for a soldier (not that there is a good way.

But if it is civilian occupied structures the Russians are hitting that is a war crime.

It has been alleged that Russians are hitting civilian structures in the occupied territories and blaming it on the Ukrainians. It is so that people voluntarily leave to get away from the "Ukrainians."

Anonymous said...

Another wide awake comment from one in the know

Anonymous said...

Very obvious comments to be sure, but the general public does not know them.

Anonymous said...

She is a tart. More like smoke a mirrors