Thursday, January 19, 2023

Getting Use To Not Having Russia At Davos

Politico: Davos struggles to get used to a world without Russia  

Behind the scenes, global CEOs and leaders question how long the West can ignore Moscow and still find new markets for energy, metals and food. 

DAVOS, Switzerland — For the second year in a row, Western sanctions have prevented Russian officials and oligarchs from attending the World Economic Forum in Davos, the Swiss ski-resort town that hosts the annual confab of the ultra-rich. 

That’s welcome news for many — including Western officials who’ve spent the past 11 months trying to persuade the international community to shun Moscow for its actions in Ukraine. And it is a win for the Ukrainians attending this year’s conference as they ratchet up their calls for more weapons from allies. 

But it’s also forcing the world’s CEOs to grapple with the new reality of how to operate in a world where working with Russia is off the table.  

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WNU Editor: Russia is the world's resource super-power. It is not going to be easy for many of the world’s CEOs to operate in a world where working with Russia is off the table. 

A prediction. 

The middlemen are going to make a fortune.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The US could produce more resources, but for environmental wankers.

We have seen this with tantalum and other metal needed for green energy California and other places have it, but the wankers keep shutting mines down.

Wanker Joe Biden did his part. He shut down Keystone XL.

Governor Karen Whitless is trying to shutdown a pipeline in Michigan. She wants a spot on the next Democrat national ticket