Saturday, January 7, 2023

China Accused Of Weaponizing A Virus More Lethal Than Covid

WNU Editor: "They were doing synthetic biology on a cloning vector of the Nipah virus, which is 60% lethal. We just experienced a 1% lethal virus..."


Anonymous said...

Go, China!!!

China can do no wrong. They finance my favourite people.. Joe Biden, Hunter Biden, Hillary, Fauci.. I love them all

Anonymous said...

How about Trump bank connection to China, still ongoing?

The virus has been genome sequenced thousands of times and reviewed by hundreds of geneticists in dozens of countries, both civilian, corporate, military and government employed, of all political pursuasions, and none of them have found a single genetic signature of laboratory intervention that inevitably would be present if the virus was not a natural zoonitic mutation.

By the contrary, they have a found that it has naturally mutated to find humans as the third host species.

There are people who can profit from these conspiracy theories, and Dr Quay is one who is trying. His theory has been universally debunked and discredited. Don't fall for the self promoting bullshit he and others publish.

War News Updates Editor said...

Anon 9:23AM

The Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences disagrees ....

This is a live debate that is only starting now. The origins of Covid19 is not in anyway a closed case.

Here is a good summary from The Hill:

Anonymous said...

A few months after the global outbreak scientists in India stated that it appeared to them that the bug was created in a lab. Keep ducking

Anonymous said...

Biden reopens study of origin. Important to note the date of any and all claims about origin since there is yet no definitive study. The lab is but a 40-minute drive from the wet market.

Anonymous said...

60% .... Thanos would be impressed

Anonymous said...

1. we have as yet no solid evidence it was produced in lab
2. if were proven it was lab-made, what would we then do about that fact?
3. we know that there are labs in other nations that work with various viruses etc.