Saturday, January 7, 2023

DARPA Working With Boeing To Design And Possibly Build A Potentially Game-Changing X-Plane

A scale model of Aurora’s candidate for DARPA’s Control of Revolutionary Aircraft with Novel Effectors (CRANE) program has been tested in a wind tunnel (Image: Aurora Flight Sciences)  

The DeBrief: DARPA Selects Boeing’s Aurora for Potentially Game-Changing X-Plane 

The Defense Advanced Research Project Agency (DARPA) has selected Boeing subsidiary Aurora Flight Sciences to design and possibly build a potentially game-changing X-plane. Part of the agency’s Control of Revolutionary Aircraft with Novel Effecters (CRANE) program, the revolutionary X-plane would employ Active Flow Control (AFC) instead of conventional control surfaces to maneuver the craft at ultra-fast speeds. 

If successful, the new X-plane could completely change the way high-speed aircraft fly by combining the simplicity and stability of AFC to improve overall reliability and performance while offering a lower radar cross-section.  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: This is fascinating stuff. For more information on the X-plane and the science behind it .... Aurora wins funding to design active flow control X-plane (Aerospace Testing).

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