Saturday, January 7, 2023

Pentagon Playing Catch-Up In Developing Hypersonic Weapons

Pavel Golovkin  

Defense News: Pentagon racing to restore US superiority in hypersonics 

WASHINGTON — In 1959, the U.S. Air Force and Navy partnered with NASA to fly a piloted hypersonic test aircraft, the X-15, for the first time. 

During that flight, the high-speed vehicle designed to travel at speeds of at least Mach 5 was dropped from under the wing of a B-52 bomber flying over the Mojave Desert in Southern California. Pilot Scott Crossfield carried the aircraft to an altitude of 52,341 feet and reached a peak speed of Mach 2.11. 

The flight kicked off a robust testing effort, and over the next nine years, three X-15 aircraft flew 199 times. The program eventually surpassed performance targets and achieved what is still the nation’s the fastest piloted hypersonic flight at Mach 6.72, or 4,520 miles per hour. Though it ended in 1968, discoveries from the program continue to inform the government’s hypersonic vehicle research.  

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WNU Editor: Currently, Russia is the indisputable leader in the hypersonic weapons race and is gaining valuable operational experience with the Avangard hypersonic glide vehicle and the Kinzhal air-launched ballistic missile (ALBM), which is said to have a maximum speed of Mach 10 (link here).


Anonymous said...

Spain began colonizing the New World in 1493. The first permanent English colony was in 1607.

Or in other words Spain had a 114 year head start, which is 3 or 4 generations.

600 years later Britain is still a stronger country than Spain although that will not hold given the globalists.

Ford and GM had an earlier start than Toyota (1937).

Being first does not always mean that you remain on top or even finish.

Communist indoctrination and history in HS and college is no substitute for the real thing.

Post note: American colleges have no longer been getting the real thing for a gen.

Anonymous said...

plz supply supporting evidence for your claims
did members of your party go to college?
did you?

Anonymous said...

yeah, members of my family have gone to college in the West Bloc, East Bloc and deepest darkest commie land.

I made two points, which one were you all hot and bothered about?

Anonymous said...

Communist indoctrination and history in HS and college is no substitute for the real thing.

Post note: American colleges have no longer been getting the real thing for a gen.

those two. You had not gone then to American colleges but you know what you say about them?
Now, then: you evidence, since most in both parties and former and present presidents have gone to college and I see no communists among them

Anonymous said...

where oh where did I say I went to college here or there?

reading comprehension is your friend

try it, you might like it.

u really really did not comprehend did u?

Do you know what is meant by West Bloc, east bloc of commieland?

You must really feel guilty. u thought commie land meant Taxachusetts or something.

r u now or have you ever been a commie?