Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Doomsday Clock To Be Updated Next Week

Newsweek: Doomsday Clock To Be Updated for First Time Since Putin Invaded Ukraine 

Scientists will announce whether they believe mankind is any closer to self-annihilation at the unveiling of the 2023 Doomsday Clock next week. 

Last year, the clock remained at 100 seconds to midnight, where it has been since 2020, but tensions between Russia and Ukraine this year could edge the minute hand even closer to 12 o'clock. 

The Doomsday Clock is a visual representation of just how close humanity is to destroying life as we know it, with midnight representing the eruption of a global catastrophe.  

Read more ....  

Update: How close to midnight is humanity? 2023 Doomsday Clock announcement could warn of nuclear disaster (USA Today)  

WNU Editor: The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists will host a live virtual news conference at 10:00 a.m. EST/1500 GMT on Tuesday, January 24, 2023, to announce whether the time on the iconic Doomsday Clock will change .... Watch the 2023 Doomsday Clock announcement on Jan. 24 (Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists)


Anonymous said...

Sorry, the BoAS is chock full of some of the most liberal wankers on earth. And the vast majority of those wankers know as much about science as the average bloke, maybe less. Think of it as on par with the American Southern Poverty Law Center. F'n wankers all. I'll go ahead and miss that "celebration".

Anonymous said...

BoAS did not prevent the assassination of the Ukrainian president by Russia.

BoAS did not prevent the invasion of Ukraine.

BoAS did not defeat or rollback ISIL.

BoAS did not prevent the building of Saddam's supergun or launching V-2 I mean SCUDs at Israel.

BoAS did not prevent the militarization of the south China Sea.

BoAS is a nonprofit that says what you should do or what is nice to have, but is not beholden to the voters or scored on their policy results.

I agree they are wankers.

Anonymous said...

Over excited wankers for the MSN to to wank over. Tic tock.

Anonymous said...

lots of people lose their hearing in all this wanking chit chat

Anonymous said...

BAC is not in the business of preventing things.

Anonymous said...

BoAS is not in the business of preventing things ... or doing much of anything except complaining.

BoAS is like a family member or friend (soon to be former) who complains about how you are doing a job. Never mind that they have never done such a job nor are they willing to pitch in, m but they have an opinion and an asshole.

Anonymous said...

they are a flashlight.They do not change things. They illuminate what is going on. Then if you are concerned you might see the danger area you are in. Easy to put them down. But like weather report they help you see what you are confronting. being snide alters nothing.

Anonymous said...

Fred Lapides,

Those who can, do; those who can't, teach

The above idiom is not always true, but it is true often enough that it bears repeating and is useful in analyzing events and people in life.

The idiom should be updated to people who get useless degrees other than Ed degrees and want to tell people what to do.

These people do not get elected, propose and pass a policy implement and stand by their policy when results come in.

Fred, it is real had to sell global warming when people like John Kerry go to the WEF to wring their hands over global warming and take a private jet to get there.

It is real hard to believe liberals when they tell us to eat bugs and worms, when they dine on sallmon and the choicest beef.

Good grub: why we might be eating insects soon

‘We have never served one gram of caviar’: Meet the man feeding the Davos elite

Hypocrite Elites and Globalists Dine on Wagyu Beef During G20 Summit While They Push Bugs and Fake Meat on Peasants

Fred do you know what waygu beef is? Can you afford it? Why are you defending WEF when they want you to eat bugs?

Please do this. Be brave. Invite your discussion group over for a dinner of grubs and insects.