Monday, January 16, 2023

Expanded US Advanced Training For Ukraine Forces Begins In Germany

Army Gen. Mark A. Milley, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, testifies before the House Armed Services Committee on Capitol Hill regarding the fiscal year 2022 defense budget, June 23, 2021. Photo By: Navy Petty Officer 1st Class Carlos M. Vazquez II  

Business Insider: The US is getting Ukraine ready for a more aggressive war with Russia, training it for tank battles and other large-scale combat 

* The US on Sunday started advanced training for Ukrainian troops, including prep for large-scale combat. 

* Training will focus on combat that combines tanks, artillery, and combat vehicles. 

* The advanced training hints at larger conflicts to come, as Ukraine warns of new Russian offensive. 

The US on Sunday began giving more advanced training to Ukrainian troops, suggesting that US authorities expect a ramping up of the conflict over the coming months, with Ukrainian forces aggressively taking the fight to Russia. 

Gen. Mark A. Milley, chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff, told The Washington Post on Sunday that training had started that day and was designed to make Ukrainian troops more effective against Russian forces, with a focus on preparing them for large-scale combat. 

The training is aimed at getting troops to maximise the effectiveness of combined weapons: their tanks, artillery, and combat vehicles, Milley said, according to the Post.  Around 500 Ukrainian soldiers will go through its initial version, the outlet reported.  

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WNU Editor: According to US Gen. Mark Milley, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the goal is to get a battalion of about 500 troops back on the battlefield to fight the Russians in the next five to eight weeks. Sighhh .... that is not going to make a difference. 500 Ukrainian soldiers are being killed/wounded everyday right now. 

Expanded US Advanced Training For Ukraine Forces Begins In Germany  

Expanded US training for Ukraine forces begins in Germany -- AP  

Ukraine updates: US trains Ukrainian forces in Germany -- DW  

Ukrainian forces begin expanded U.S. military training in Germany -- Axios


Anonymous said...

Milley has been behind the curve for years now.

He does know how to suck up though.

Anonymous said...

Funny thing happened on the way to the blog.

WNU forgot that Belarus is training Russian solider. Will it make a difference?

Lie, lie, lie by omission.

Anonymous said...

7:33 Fuk yourself by comission

Anonymous said...

8:07 I stated a fact. You tried rhyming as an argument. Are you OJ's lawyer?

Anonymous said...

While I agree that US training is insufficient to Ukrainian needs, that all together American and European training is training a large number of forces. That US commitment is 500 per month which is 6000 a year (and that is not counting other training programs on US weapon systems). The UK is training 10,000 Ukrainians every 120 days, or 30,000 a year. The EU has committed to train another 15,000. So now we are up to 51,000 a year. And that's not counting all the other training going on that is under the radar because the numbers are low (like French training on their weapon systems) and those that are secret (does anyone believe Poland is not doing any training of any kind?) There's probably another 10,000 or so being trained in addition to the 61k. And expect these numbers to go up if the Rammstein meeting on January 20 announces more aid to Ukraine.

(And then there's odd things like the Mozart Group training of Ukrainian territorial defense units. Obviously that does not bring up those troops to Western professional standards or make them good for offense, but it greatly improves their combat readiness and defensive abilities.)

Now some 60,000 a year will not replace Ukrainian losses. But it isn't intended to. Ukraine can do that and hold the line. Ukrainian training can't be any worse than what Russia does for their own troops, and possibly better. This Western training is to form a core of troops that can go onto the offensive and retake occupied Ukrainian land.

So while insufficient, Western training is not negligible all together. Like most Western aid in the past year, it comes later than desired and in not enough numbers, but what does get done is showing an impact on the battlefield.

I would not be surprised to learn if later in 2023 Western training expands to provide over 100k of Ukrainian soldiers a year.


Mr Nobody said...

It will be too little too late. They need to continue to train for guerrilla warfare. Because in 2-3 months that is what they will be fighting.

The Russians...they need to set up anti partisan units. These units are going to be busy for quite a long time.

Anonymous said...

Ukraine has access to a whole lot of new domestic training and virtual systems. A good number of troops are in place to do exactly this on many of the fronts.this will supplement the extra Ukraine training.