Monday, January 16, 2023

Washington Post: Ukraine Considering Withdrawing From The Battle Of Bakhmut


Washington Post: Bloody Bakhmut siege poses risks for Ukraine 

Ukraine faces difficult choices about how much deeper its military should get drawn into a protracted fight over the besieged city of Bakhmut, as Kyiv prepares for a new counteroffensive elsewhere on the front that requires conserving weapons, ammunition and experienced fighters. 

Russia has escalated its assault in the area in recent days, unleashing savage fighting that has underscored the high cost of the battle. 

Russian mercenaries and released convicts from the Wagner group pushed into the neighboring salt-mining town of Soledar and inched closer to Bakhmut, the capture of which has eluded them for months despite an advantage in firepower and the willingness to sacrifice troops.  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: The Washington Post puts a lot of focus on Ukrainian reports of Russian casualties while ignoring Ukrainian casualties. But as the above France 24 video report on the Battle of Bakhmut reveals, just one hospital alone receives 100 wounded Ukrainian soldiers a day (14:00 mark in the above video)!!!! 

The Washington Post is also pushing the narrative that Bakhmut is not important. I disagree. Bahkmut is the gateway to the major cities of Kramatorsk and Slovyansk that are only 35km and 40km from Bahkmut. Bahkmut in Russian hands automatically begins the battle for Kramatorsk and Slovyansk, the last two major cities in the Donbas that is in Ukrainian hands.


Anonymous said...

ISW headlines on Bakhmut -

Jan 4th:
>major logistics line

Jan 12th:
>not operationally significant


Anonymous said...

Go Russia! I love the underdogs. Ukrainians are fighting for a future where The WEF/NATO elites want them to eat bugs, own nothing and be happy, have their futures to be dictated by the woke LGTBQ+ community, no gas stoves, green energy dystopia etc etc etc. what insanity

Anonymous said...

It's actually true. Massive hate campaigns against red meat, and vicious propaganda is the norm in the EU

Anonymous said...

Bakhmut falls and we are closer to nuclear war.
There is a price for Russian chauvinism.

Anonymous said...

7:35. yes and combined with Ukrainian stupidity mixed with US scheming mendacity we will all get to dance together.

Anonymous said...

Viktor Yushchenko was poisoned 18 years ago, Russia has had its eye on Ukraine for a ling time.

Russia is the bullshit aggressor. Ugly viados

Mr Nobody said...

For several months starting last fall Bakhumt was talked up as a huge Ukrainian victory and setting the stage for further victories in the Donbass and retaking of Crimea.

This narrative was pushed in the Western Press and by Government agencies.

But, many here stated that it was a temporary set back for the Russians, and like it as not, the Russians would have the final victory in this area.

Well, we now see the lies of the western and Ukrainian press coming to its ugly conclusion.

Those troops could have been used to put up a decent defence and wear the Russians down. But Zelinski threw them into a meat grinder. Yes the Grinder took a while, but the Russians were patient and it paid off for them.

Now the Ukies will have less men and equipment to defend their country with in a decent manner.

I doubt that writing this will do any good, but you ukie Rah rah folks really need to re-evaluate your sources. Those sources, once again, led you astray. How many times are you going to believe their crap before realizing they are a bunch of liars?

And if any of you gents are sick enough to think that we find any joy in this mess, you are sadly mistaken.

This is a tragedy that was entirely avoidable. Who is at fault here?

From everything I can see, it is a neocon group of individuals in the United States who:

1. funded the ukie rebellion,
2. pumped a lot of money into a coup and propagandized the population
3. and emplaced a lackey government
4. who purposely antagonize the Russians.

Why? Because they are ideologically driven. They represent a Globalist, progressive liberal, mindset that they want to force down the throat of every Nation on the planet. Both Russia and China stand in their way and must be destroyed or beaten into submission.

WWIII, maybe..

Anonymous said...

You are both incredibly stupid…go, live and fight for Russia…

Anonymous said...

"For several months starting last fall Bakhumt was talked up as a huge Ukrainian victory"

So since September

1/2 January

After 4 and 1/2 months Russia 3 times the size of Ukraine in pop. is finally showing results. to take 1 city.

Let's not forget Russia took the S-300 system out of Syria, becuaae they cannot manage in Ukraine . It gives Israel a freer hand to go after the Iranians in Syria.

Is Sullivan going to Israel to tell Israel to not hurt the administration's Iranian friends in Syria?

Mr. Nobody said...

It is no so much "taking a city" as it is, moving in, to walk over the dead bodies.
And the statement stands...

"For several months starting last fall Bakhumt was talked up as a huge Ukrainian victory

This is not so much about what the Russians did.

It is about how much the Ukies played up this battle as a huge victory and as a prelude to further victories in the future.

LIKE I said, I doubted this former post would do any good...I am not asking you to change your view. But in the intel world , when sources are consistently wrong , they are rightly discounted.

Those of you who count on Ukie/western sources need to re-evaluate the veracity of the narrative that is being fed to the world.