Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Experts Are Telling The US Navy That The Country With the Biggest Fleet Always Wins

The Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA) Navy's aircraft carrier Shandong conducts realistic combat-oriented exercises in the South China Sea in the early autumn of 2022. Photo: Screenshot from the WeChat account of the PLA South Sea Fleet 

CNN: Expert’s warning to US Navy on China: Bigger fleet almost always wins  

As China continues to grow what is already the world’s largest navy, a professor at the US Naval War College has a warning for American military planners: In naval warfare, the bigger fleet almost always wins. 

Writing in the January issue of the US Naval Institute’s Proceedings magazine, Sam Tangredi says if history is any lesson, China’s numerical advantage is likely to lead to defeat for the US Navy in any war with China. 

Tangredi, the Leidos Chair of Future Warfare Studies at the US Naval War College and a former US Navy captain, looked at 28 naval wars, from the Greco-Persian Wars of 500 BC, through recent Cold War proxy conflicts and interventions. 

He found in only three instances did superior technology defeat bigger numbers. 

Read more .... 

WNU Editor: One can also say the same thing about armies. The larger army backed with the industrial capacity to replace stocks that are being used on the battlefield always win.A fact that everyone is learning very quickly as the Russia - Ukraine war grinds on.


Anonymous said...

President Biden SMIRKS at reporters and AGAIN refuses to answer questions on why he hoarded classified docs in his garage as White House deflects and demands Kevin McCarthy reveals his deals with GOP rebels

Of course he is smirking. He is not in trouble until the Democrat Party Principals decide he has to go. to hell with the hoi poloi.

Anonymous said...

One can say however incorrectly. Study the history more. In many cases smaller armies are winning against the odds.

Anonymous said...

Yes but you can't bet on it

Anonymous said...

compare Biden numbers against
who is sinking?

Anonymous said...

Maybe in the past yes.. Now with modern technology better to have kill rockets on ships that can shoot farther and hit a moving target from further away that your enemies…that’s what is going to matter.

Anonymous said...

Vietnam turned out great, didn't it?