Sunday, January 15, 2023

FBI Reveals It Uses The CIA And NSA To Spy On Americans Without A Warrant

Washington Times: FBI reveals it uses CIA and NSA to spy on Americans  

The FBI revealed how the bureau uses the CIA and National Security Agency to probe the private lives of Americans without a warrant in its updated rulebook, which is the first version made public since the Obama administration.  

The handbook, rewritten in 2021, confirms a decade-old leak showcasing the bureau’s collaboration with the CIA and NSA for FBI probes that may involve surveillance without court orders against people not accused of any crimes. Such probes are known as “assessments” at the FBI. 

The revelations will fuel critics who have long accused the FBI of abusing its national security surveillance powers.  

Read more ....  

WNU editor: The FBI's image and reputation has definitely been tarnished .... Trump Raid Tarnished FBI With Independents, Poll on 'Biden's Gestapo' Shows (Newsweek).


Anonymous said...

The FBI has been in countless scandals since its inception. Time to break it up and hold those who broke the law accountable.

Anonymous said...

A decade before 2021 (10 years) would be 2011.

SMACK DAB in the middle of the Obama REGIME

Anonymous said...

Watch the movie "Richard Jewel". The rot comes from their promotion policies. Their promotion metrics are all about arrests and convictions. Who cares if you are innocent. As long as my stats as an agent are good, that is all that matters.

Never talk to these guys without a lawyer, Never, EVER invite them into your house.

If they ask to come in...You say no, I think on the porch is nice.

Because as soon as you let them in, you have consented to a search. To them, you are guilty.... until they say you are not.

BTW Obama increased the rot with his hiring and "diversity" policies.

Anonymous said...

It does more than simply "tarnish" its reputation. It's proof that all federal law enfocement agencies need to be completely dismantled and rebuilt from scratch, with bi-partisan oversight. Bipartisan only because the Dems would block any efforts to allow oversight to be given mainly to Republicans. It would still give a lot of skank libs and globalist RINOS considerable influence, but it's the only way forward.