Saturday, January 21, 2023

German Intelligence Alarmed By Massive Ukrainian Losses Against Russia In Bakhmut


EurAsian Times: ‘Three-Digit Daily Casualties’: Massive Ukrainian Losses Against Russia In Bakhmut Sounds Alarm In Germany 

The massive losses the Ukrainian army is incurring against Russia in Bakhmut has alarmed Germany’s foreign intelligence service (BND), according to the German newspaper Der Spiegel. 

For months, the eastern Ukrainian city of Bakhmut has been the site of fierce conflict. The fighting has intensified recently, but Ukraine claims its forces are holding out against the Russians, who recently said they had taken control of the nearby salt mining town of Soledar. 

In a closed-door meeting this week, the BND informed the members of the Bundestag (German federal parliament) that the Ukrainian army is currently losing a “three-digit number of soldiers” daily in combat with the Russian invaders. 

“The Ukrainians are currently suffering huge losses near Bakhmut. The BND briefing informs about “three-digit numbers of casualties per day,” the report said.  

Read more .... 

German Intelligence Alarmed By Massive Ukrainian Losses Against Russia In Bakhmut  

Spiegel: German intelligence alarmed by high losses of Ukrainian army in Bakhmut -- Kyiv Independent  

German intelligence alarmed by Ukrainian losses in Bakhmut - Spiegel -- Devdiscourse  

German intelligence ‘alarmed’ over Ukrainian losses – media -- RT


Anonymous said...

German intelligence.. LOL

fazman said...

Russians are probably losing 3 x that , which is the norm when attacking prepared defensive positions

Anonymous said...

WNU gave it the old college try and the first 2 posters slapped down his pass. Pass incomplete. 3rd down and 10.

The German military is broken, because German politicians do not care. Is there any reason to beleive that these same politicians care about intel?

RussInSoCal said...

I think "German Intelligence" is routinely alarmed by the sudden discovery of their own shadow.

/The most insufferable, arrogant morons on the planet.

Mr Nobody said...

This is funnies Hell I just read the preceessding article saying US intel says the Russian losses are xxx. Now the German Intel says Ukie losses are yyyy.

You all probably know
Word to the wise , no matter what side you prefer

Don't believe these guys , the figures are always skewed.


These are the same guys who said.....

We are winning in Afghanistan

Anonymous said...

More troops, artillery and air superiority is what Russia has. That is a winning combination over time. Ukraine has to change that. They never will have more troops, never have air superiority but could get artillery superiority. If they don’t, they lose in 2023.

Mr Nobody said...


I keep telling people. This is basic Econ 101. Economies of Scale. The Russians have all the advantages. Their industrial base is untouched. Many of their units scattered across their country remain in place and not utilized. They have the Chinese to re-supply them if things get real bad. They have a larger manpower pool.

The ukies are being ground down and their economy is a basket case. Their industrial and infrastructure systems are in shambles.

This war is

Not The Ukies to win
But the Russians to lose

You can talk about ukie superior morale or fighting spirit.....

This is exactly what the French said before the War of 1870 and the 1st WW.

But it does not help against the slow, grinding force of numbers and firepower.

The Madi had plenty of spirit too , but it did not help at Omdurman.

Robert E. Lee could also comment on the advantages of superior morale and fighting skills vs numbers and raw material.

Waffen SS units had some of the best morale in WW2, but that did not stop the inevitable on the eastern front.

When the major conventional war is over...and it will end soon.....The ukies will have the chance to prove themselves in the long guerrilla war that will follow. Maybe then, like the Viets, Taliban and Algerians they will be victorious.

But for now, unless the Russians make some horrible mistakes (and they may). the Ukies have no chance of winning the current conventional war.

An aside...The Russians need to attack in the next 30-60 days before the spring thaw and NATO weapons reach the Ukie front units. If Russians don't, it will be another of their "horrible mistakes"

In many ways this current kind of war is like the US Civil War. ...Like Ulysses Grant, no matter what your losses are, you keep pushing the enemy until he breaks or you wipe him out....there is no other way.

Anyway, we will see.

Anonymous said...

morrons, they are only using psychology war. you tell your enemies to think they are winning to push to their own meat grinder

Anonymous said...

Sure, Volodymyr

Anonymous said...

Grant knew the North could win if he kept at cutting down Southern military even at the expense of lots of his men dying. South knew early on that the North had too many advantages.

Nazis, ie Germans had morale. sure. And Hitler opened a front against Russia--dumb move and the front against US...simply a matter of time.