Sunday, January 22, 2023

U.S. Intellgience Says The Russia Military Has Suffered 188,000 Casualties After 11 Months Of War

The anticipated three-pronged attack would see Russian forces advance from Belarus in the north, the Donbas in the east, and Crimea in the south  

Daily Mail: US intelligence claims Russia has suffered a staggering 188,000 casualties in Ukraine and lost more than 2,000 tanks since Putin's bloody invasion began less than a year ago 

* Ukraine is bracing for a three-pronged attack from Russia within weeks 

* This is a significant increase to the estimated figure of 100,000 soldiers 

* Russia last week took Soledar, a mining town in the Donbas, in a bitter campaign 

American intelligence sources have claimed Russian casualties in Ukraine have reached a staggering 188,000 as Vladimir Putin's bloody invasion continues to backfire. 

The figure is a significant increase to the estimation of 100,000 Russian soldiers who were wounded, deserted and killed when outlined by UK’s Defence Secretary Ben Wallace at the end of 2022. 

It is also thought that the Ukrainians have captured or destroyed approximately 2,000 Russian tanks since the invasion, which happened less than a year ago.  

Read more ....  

Update: Russian casualties in Ukraine have hit an eye-watering 188,000, according to US intelligence (The SUN)  

WNU Editor: 188,000 Russian military casualties? 20% of the Russian military? If that was the case the Russian military would not be able to launch counter-operations that they are currently conducting in the Donbas and in the southeast part of Ukraine.


Anonymous said...

yeah seems like double-counting

Anonymous said...

188k casualties assuming this represents all losses(dead wounded missing) would mean maybe 50k KIA. If we assume it includes Donetsk and Luhansk dead as well maybe 10k its doable for the rank and file russian military. Also of the remaining wounded lets say 75% have returned to duty. So that would leave 35k maimed or still in hospitals. These are huge losses but not unbearably high after about 11 months.

fazman said...

Not hard to beleive at all WNU , considering the recent mobilisation were used as cannon fodder

Caecus said...

US intelligence still doesn't know how many vehicles were left behind in Afghanistan

Anonymous said...

That is what I like about Farzman...his undying optimism in the face of blatant lies and propaganda at first glance with no critical analysis to go along with it.

That's right Fazzy!!! The ukies have also got Godzilla, Thor and Goku to help them out. Slava old buddy!!

Ron said...

they must be using a Vietnam war body counter, maybe General westmoreland?


Anonymous said...

Well, maybe the Lugansk and Dontetsk people's armies have taken the brunt, and they are counting those...really hard to say from my hovel.

Anonymous said...

Obviously the vast majority are wounded.

Anonymous said...

Fazman rules
ingrate sissy bitches jump him in the schoolyard.