Wednesday, January 11, 2023

Iranian Warships Will Use The Panama Canal For The First Time Later This Year

Iranian navy ship / Wikimedia Commons  

Washington Free Beacon: Iran To Station Warships in Panama Canal  

Iran entering Pacific Ocean for first time Iran's navy is set to station warships for the first time in the Panama Canal, a critical trade route in America's backyard that has never before seen an Iranian military presence.

Rear Admiral Shahram Irani, the commander of Iran's navy, said on Wednesday that his forces will establish a presence in the Panama Canal later this year, marking the first time Iran's military has entered the Pacific Ocean. 

Iran in recent years has placed a greater focus on moving its military into Latin American territories as it strengthens relations with anti-American dictators in the region, most notably in Venezuela. 

Iranian vessels have docked more frequently in Venezuela as Tehran's hardline regime seeks to prop up dictator Nicolás Maduro. 

These moves are meant to provoke the United States and signal that Tehran has the ability to station its military apparatus a stone's throw from U.S. territory. 

Read more .... 

Update #1: Iran to Deploy Naval Forces to Panama Canal: Commander (Tasnim News Agency)  

Update #2: Iran planning to extend area of operation to Panama Canal: Navy chief (Tehran Times)  

WNU Editor: This presence in the Panama Canal, if it does happen, will only be for show.


Anonymous said...

Iranian use of the Panama Canal can only happen because that gutless coward, US President Jimmy Carter, gave the canal back to Panama. Even 30 years ago, the Democrat Party were busy trying to destroy/weaken the USA.

Anonymous said...

We can solve the problem by annexing Panama. Might as well as annex everything form Mexico to Panama. If the US has as many citizens from those countries as those countries have left in their country, it is the only fair thing to do.

One reason I would be against it is that they have a higher level of corruption. That no longer seems to be true.

Whenever we get the Demoncrats in charge we get open borders, so let's end it. Just annex them.

Overnight the US would have a majority Hispanic legislatures, Whatever will the poor dumb shyster Democrats do? I do no think the Hispanics will take too kindly to identity politics as practiced by many America liberals.

About the transit. This is good. The ships are not moving fast. It is good to collect data on them. I am all for trail cams.