Friday, January 13, 2023

Is A Pentagon Report On China The Reason Why There Is Now A 'Military Spending Frenzy' In The U.S.?

President Joe Biden takes notes during a video summit with President Xi Jinping of China at the White House in November 2021. | DOUG MILLS / THE NEW YORK TIMES  

Michael T. Klare, The Nation: A Pentagon Report on China Fuels a Military Spending Frenzy in the US  

How the media is misrepresenting what’s in the document. 

“China to Have 1,500 Nuclear Warheads by 2035: Pentagon.” That was the headline at ABC News on November 29, the day the Department of Defense released the 2022 edition of its annual report on “Military and Security Developments Involving the People’s Republic of China,” also called the China Military Power report. The Pentagon’s claim that China’s nuclear stockpile would jump from some 400 warheads today to an estimated 1,500 in 2035 was widely reported in the popular media and seized upon by military hawks in Congress to clamor for increased military spending. During the first two weeks of December, the House and Senate authorized a fiscal year 2023 Pentagon budget of $858 billion—some $45 billion more than President Biden requested, with most of the added funds earmarked for weaponry to counter China. 

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WNU Editor: 2022 will be remembered as the year where the old world geopolitical order was turned upside down. 2023 will be remembered as the year where countries responded to this change by forming alliances and massively expanding their defense budgets. A Pentagon report is not the reason for this "military spending frenzy". But it will be used by US political leaders as one of many reasons why this military buildup is justified.


Anonymous said...

The 'old world order' is changing but is still intact. Things might be getting hot in the oven, and who knows what the world will look like once it pops out of that oven, but as of now, the players remain the same.

The US has for years now slowly been pushing Saudi/China away because the Saudi's and China have opted to pursue a belligerent course that is contrary to maintaining good relations. The US is just as guilty and certainly not an innocent player in all of this, but they are the lesser evil at play here.

As for Russia, well; Russia is doing what Nixon had predicted long ago; pursuing a imperialistic agenda. The so-called 'good' relations that Russia was starting to enjoy under the Trump administration was nothing more than a smokescreen of shaking hands while kicking the ankles. That's the problem with this blog (and the author in question) if you want a good practical non-bias view on Russia, it's very hard to find one and you certainly won't find it here due to the self-interests of its author.

2023 will not be a pleasant year.

Anonymous said...

Every year the pentagon announces the results off their war games regarding China & Iran basically stating that they would lose. And then a bunch of neocon aligned think tanks take those reports to suggest which DOD programs should be given additional funding to turn the tide. It’s hard to say if the war games or the chatter regarding them are to be taken completely seriously, or if it’s just a tactic to push through budget increases.

Anonymous said...

Russia is imperialistic you say? Then what exactly have we been? U.S. and NATO could never be guilty of anything 🙄. War, war, and more war. Pathetic.

Anonymous said...

12:14. Who is we kemosabe?

What land did the US launch a war to acquire in the 20th or 21st centuries?

Anonymous said...

Kemosabe is the candidate for state legislature in N.J.
The US launched war in 20th century and it was called WWII
We launched an attack on Japan and on Germany and they fought back but we won and then rebuilt both countries and now they are our friends.

Anonymous said...

Look, if you are going to be a prick at least try to be interesting or original.

The US launched WW2? So "Mein Kampf", which you have not read was ghost written by Hitler at FDR's behest?

Anonymous said...

1:10 WTF do you think the Iraq War was? The right thing to do? Please. Really did a lot of good there. "We" is the criminal government that represents my American homeland. I'd rather live here than most other places but there's not much to be proud of here in recent decades. It's a real shame to be honest and I'm glad I don't have children to pass it on too.

Anonymous said...

It wasI believe a gop pres who decided we needed to go into Iraq. Yes: oddly I fully agree with you on what you are saying. We began here, under England, to do what France and Spain were doing: killing and enslaving native Americans. Then we decided we needed more land and so took a huge chunk of Mexico. The continent now taken over, we started going across the seas to Puerto Rico, Hawaii, etc.
Now at a time of no longer grabbing land we establish bases and in so doing have military bases, both known and unknown, throughout the world.

Anonymous said...

Currently occupying 1/3 of Syria and robbing it of it's wealth through it's puppet Barzani regime in Erbil, Iraq. When your worldview requires you to be so far disconnected from reality that you'll straight-faced insist there aren't current landgrabs ongoing it's time to reevaluate.

Anonymous said...

as the historian Klauz Witz said:
Peace is another way to make war stuff and enrich the wealthy and give elected officials something to show to the electorate.

Anonymous said...

1:55 AKA 2:18 AKA 2:50/1 AKA BSer

What land did we take from the Iraqi people? None
What wealth did we take from Iraq? None

The oil or oil concessiona were auctioned off to the highest bidder. Most of the time that was China, that maximized revenue for the Iraqi people/government.

The part of Syria we are in mostly belongs to the Kurds. The Kurds want their freedom forma minority run totalitarian government. The Kurds are the original inhabitants and have been there since before "The Anabasis of Xenophon"

Anonymous said...

we do not take land anymore as we once did. We now occupy land, ie built military bases. A check will show you that we now have 750 military bases world wide and that does not count secret bases.

Anonymous said...

3:01 yeah we could never secure Iraq. Same with Afghanistan. In the process we destroyed the fucking place. I mean nothing good came out of it. And no one held accountable for the lies. Disgrace.

Anonymous said...

"we do not take land anymore as we once did. We now occupy land, ie built military bases. A check will show you that we now have 750 military bases world wide and that does not count secret bases."

Still bullshititng you are.

Take our bases in Japan. They account for 1% or so of the bases. We have SOFA agreements with the Japanese. It means American service personnel obey Japanese law. If they don't, they go in a Japanese slammer. Ditto Korea. In Japan a convicted service members works 8 hours a day. They hate it. We have service members in Korea who have been convicted and are in Korean custody. This goes to show that the US does not run roughshod overseas.

When George bush transferred 3,000 soldiers out of South Korea,, The South Koreans complained, Does not look like occupation to me.

Why are we in South Korea and Japan. that would be because of China, Russia and North Korea.

3:11 & 3:25 are the same troll. Funny thing is although they are paid, they argue like Valley Girl. The Russian government really needs merit based compensation.

Mr. Nobody said...


You are really good at twisting the facts. Kurds in syria eh? Well you want to apply the same logic to the American Indian to take back the Black hills? Maybe they should call on the Chinese.

The Japs...Did you forget Okinawa? They have wanted us off for years. How about Cuba? The lease in Guantanamo ran out in 1999. There is lot more...

Russian imperialism? Not there. Border confrontations yes. That is what great powers do. It is called Spheres of influence.

OR do you want to scrap the Monroe Doctrine and apologize for Grenada, Nicaragua, and a Lot of other nations in South America?