Monday, January 9, 2023

Kremlin Says 'We Are Facing The Entire NATO In Ukraine'

Challenger 2 battle tank, file image  

Zero Hedge: 'We Are Facing The Entire NATO In Ukraine': Kremlin Says, As UK Mulls Battle Tanks 

Russian Security Council Secretary Nikolay Patrushev has issued ultra-provocative words claiming that it's not fundamentally Ukraine that Russia is at war with, but that the Russian military is facing all of NATO inside Ukraine. 

"The events in Ukraine aren’t a clash between Moscow and Kiev. It’s a military confrontation of NATO, first of all the US and Britain, with Russia. Fearing a direct engagement, NATO instructors push Ukrainian men to certain death," he said in a fresh interview with state-owned newspaper  

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WNU Editor: What Russian Security Council Secretary Nikolay Patrushev is actually nothing new. This blog has repeatedly said in the past few months that the Kremlin, Russian media, and among my many friends and relatives in Russia itself see the current war as primarily a conflict between Russia and NATO itself.


fazman said...

Russia best pray it doesn't turn into a nato conflict. The weapons and support provided are a mere fraction of the rain that Nato could bring down.

GUS said...

NATO or the US?
Major non-US NATO tank strength: France: 406 Leclercs of which 222 are operational; Great Britain: 386 Challenger II of which 227 are operational; Germany: 266 Leopards with 62 more being refurbished from reserve. Of these, some are being given to the Czech Republic and Slovakia in return for Soviet-era tanks and IFVs being passed to Ukraine; The Netherlands: perhaps 34 Leopard 2s; Poland: about 250 Leopard 2.

Hopefully someone is dusting off Reforger plans.

Anonymous said...

Is there a NATO boot on the frontline?

Sick medical help!

GUS said...

Forgot Poland also has 360+ Abrams on order or in the process of being delivered.

So, perhaps 1,800 tanks in total. The US has 2,500 Abrams and 3,700 in storage less those being provided to allies.

Anonymous said...

Seek medical help corrected

Anonymous said...

facing is not fighting

Anonymous said...

Wnu buying into Russian propaganda I see, and of course, claiming 'everyone he knows' including the kitchen sink, share his opinion.

Russia do not want the public to see this as them against their neighbours, them against their fellow countrymen. No no no. It's them versus the west! Come join the fight! Yada yada yada.

Anonymous said...

How can it be untrue when the countries in question are materially participating in the war?

Anonymous said...

What did they expect when they threatened the free world with nukes?