Sunday, January 15, 2023

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg Anticipates More Heavy Weapons Deliveries To Ukraine In The 'Near Future'

Archive - NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg © Provided by News 360  

News 360: Stoltenberg anticipates more heavy weapons deliveries to Ukraine in «near future» 

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg has anticipated further arms deliveries to Ukraine on the eve of new talks on the matter to be held at Ramstein Air Base. 

In fact, the secretary general has advocated an increase in shipments of heavy weaponry given that, in his view, the war in Ukraine is in a "decisive" phase between "fierce battles". 

"Recent commitments are important," Stoltenberg said of the UK's recent announcement to deliver Challenger 2 tanks to Ukrainian forces, "and I expect more in the near future."  

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WNU Editor: Do not count on the German's Leopard tanks to be delivered anytime soon .... Repaired German Leopard tanks for Ukraine ready in 2024 at earliest, armsmaker says (Reuters). 

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg Anticipates More Heavy Weapons Deliveries To Ukraine In The 'Near Future'  

More Heavy Weapons For Ukraine 'In The Near Future': NATO Chief -- AFP 

Stoltenberg: Ukraine to receive more heavy weapons in near future -- Kyiv Independent  

NATO chief hints at more heavy weapons deliveries to Ukraine -- Al Jazeera


Anonymous said...

Do not count on Germany, period. Next to Turkey (aptly named gobble gobble), Germany is the weakest link in NATO.

fazman said...

A lot more leapards than Germany available , don't rule out modified u.s M60s which are perfect for Ukrainian bridges , maintenance etc and more than a match for T72

Anonymous said...

A T72 doesn't care what generation of tank hit it. All that matters it muzzle velocity, ammo type and where it hits.

Heck, they could use Israeli Shermans.

Anonymous said...

So, you guys realize that we are gradually moving to an all-out NATO:Russia confrontation?

You all good with that? Over Ukraine?
Because of democracy?

Ukraine outlaws any form of opposition to the war, any political dissent, and even certain religions are now off the map. Ukraine always was considered among the top-10 most corrupt countries in the World (among 200+ countries).

Our - the western media - gives two reasons why Putin attacks Ukraine:

1. Putin is Hitler == evil and if you disagree YOU are Hitler
2. Putin is mad and if you side with a mad man YOU are mad

The fact that we, the West, broke our promise not to expand NATO further, is almost completely ignored. Certainly not actively discussed, maybe a commentator during a discussion round hints at it briefly, but right after there's a good drone that repeats the evil/mad talking points (see above) and we are back on track for the messaging: Putin mad/evil so don't even try to understand.

But Putin also said other things, that we, the West, have lost our way, have become anti-Christians, perverts etc. Hinting at the extreme onset of pedophelia, transgender and mutilations of childrens genders to fulfill the Democrat narrative of women == men == transgender == all mixed up and fucking children apparently is now also ok.

I get Putin.

To me, it appears he is right. We cannot be trusted, we broke our promise - on record - we lie about breaking our promise, we HAVE become degenerate - and allowed degenerate people to move into the White House - multiple times. And we have a media apparatus that misleads the general population with dramatic consequences - from outright wars to potentially lethal or life altering injections, violating medica and ethical laws held for decades. And then lying about it.

It is abhorrent what we have allowed, and I do not support this war. We should NOT have expanded further and further with NATO, we should not have alienated and isolated Russia - a Christian nation. And this anti-Christian hate needs to also stop in the US. It is wrong, just as anti-islam and anti-judaism is wrong. United we stand, divided we will be ruled by traitors and others.

Enough of this bullshit.
I love Ukrainians. Smart people. Beautiful people. But the government is corrupt as fuck. What will happen if they dirty-bomb Russia?

We are almost at WW3 level and our own governments and the World Economic Forum have many eugenicists among them who openly and on record have talked about depopulating Earth before 2030 by about 90% - exactly what such a conflict (NATO/Russia) would cause - EXACTLY at the onset of AI and before mass unemployment will cause the general population to ask a lot of questions.

Anonymous said...

So, you guys realize that we are gradually moving to an all-out NATO:Russia confrontation?

You all good with that? Over Ukraine?

Answer: Yes