Thursday, January 19, 2023

Should The World Economic Forum Rule The World? (Poll)

WNU Editor: Who are the 13.9% who voted yes?


Anonymous said...

Between Charles Schwab and Putin, I choose Putin and I think Putin is a fucking idiot.

Putin may be a competent spy and a decent lawyer by training by Russian standards. He doesn't know jack about the military. His Ukraine adventure is a watch this hold my beer moment by a ruler.

For starters Putin is a despot, but at least he is willing to do the work. Charles Schwab want other to persuade, cajole and threaten sheeple to go thru the chute into a horrible future.

Schwab wants the plebes to eat bugs, while patricians like him dine on the most expensive and choices cuts of beef.

Putin has stolen a lot of money, but for a politician stealing money is pretty much the norm the world over. When they get too greedy, is when you have to hang them. There needs to be a lot of hangings.

Putin's villa in Sochi reminds me of Diocletian's Palace in Split. It does not concern me overly much. It is questionable if Putin rates it. Putin seems like an idiot. I watched a documentary called "When Siberia Will Be Chinese". in the doc there was mention of a program to give 1 acre to Russians, who wanted to stay and make a living in eastern Siberia. 1 acre.

I could see if you gave out 2,000 acres at a whack that some oligarchs might game the system and snap a lot of land up, but 1 acre. Wow. so underwhelmed.

The oligarchs have gotten rich by illicit and criminal means and the Russian people? Well 5 million have left in the 21st century out of about 150 million

Russia was lagging the US due to corruption and bad polices. But the Us in the last 3 years have hit nitro switch and put the car into overdrive.

Yes, Putin is better than Schwab, but that is a low, low bar.

Anonymous said...

Crazy how much he lives in some of your heads.

Anonymous said...

dont forget, half the people have below average intelligence. I'm shocked it's only 13%