Saturday, January 21, 2023

The Russia - Ukraine War Is Not The Only War Happening Now

Daily Mail: All eyes are on the borderlands of Russia and Ukraine... but life hasn't stopped elsewhere with global powers circling over civil wars still raging in the Middle East, writes author and producer ERBIL GUNASTI 

 * Middle-ranking powers such as India and Turkey have not taken sides in Ukraine 

* Battles elsewhere will not remain frozen just because America is preoccupied 

All eyes are on the borderlands of Russia and Ukraine. All Western eyes, that is. And understandably so. The consequences of the Russian invasion have been huge, not least when it comes to energy prices. 

If the West is preoccupied, however, that doesn’t mean the rest of the world has ground to a halt. 

Life hasn’t stopped just because NATO and Moscow are locked in conflict. Other countries have their own problems to face – pressing ones. And it should be no surprise that a range of middle-ranking powers, including India, Turkey and South Africa have refused to take sides. 

The vicious civil war in the Yemen, the fighting in the Horn of Africa, the perpetual conflicts in the Middle East – all these are continuing, even if the Western media has turned its gaze elsewhere. 

These battles will not remain frozen just because America is preoccupied. And it is a mistake to ignore them because the various outcomes will help shape the future for all of us.  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: A list of ongoing armed conflicts that are taking place around the world is here (link here).


RussInSoCal said...

By golly it looks like we have a Ukraine right at our former southern border.

Anonymous said...

That is an ongoing open wound.

Buchanan was right. It is the slow reconquista of the south west US.
Mexico is one of the richest countries in the world. There is no reason it should be in the shape it is in. The cause is simple. Human greed, fear and corruption. The US holds a lot of blame for this. Our elites are entangled with their elites, that is just one reason for no solution to the problem.

Bottom line. It is a true Narco state.