Wednesday, January 11, 2023

Ukraine President Zelensky In Golden Globes Speech Says 'There Will Be No Third War'


The Hill: Zelensky in Golden Globes speech: ‘There will be no third World War’ 

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky on Tuesday appeared virtually at Hollywood’s 80th annual Golden Globe Awards to tell the audience of entertainment industry A-listers that “there will be no third World War” as the tide turns in Ukraine’s conflict with Russia. 

Zelensky highlighted the award show’s origins back in 1943, during World War II, and said Ukraine’s fight against Russia’s invasion symbolizes “the struggle for the right of the new generations to know about the war only from movies.”  

“The First World War claimed millions of lives. The Second World War claimed tens of millions of them. There will be no third World War. It is not a trilogy,” Zelensky said, promising that Ukraine “will stop the Russian aggression” with the help of the free world.  

Read more ....  

Update: Zelensky Tries To Reassure Hollywood A-Listers At Golden Globes: "There Will Be No Third World War" (Zero Hedge).  

WNU Editor: I hope he is right.


Amp1776 said...


Anonymous said...

He is an idiot and a follower of progressive ideology, talking to a group rich progressive ideologies. There will be no WWIII because in about 8 weeks he will no longer be there.

Anonymous said...

There's such an oddly North Korean vibe to these late-stage empirical theatrics.

Anonymous said...

Stalin had penal battalions during WW2. Behind penal battalions were security troops with machineguns.

Some members of the penal battalions survived the war. They had took Stalin up on his offer of freedom for service. After the war Stalin reneged on the agreement. The convicts, who went back to prison, were ostracized by the prisoners, who refused Stalin's offer.

So the whole prison population did no take Stalin up on his offer. One can reason the the whole or even most of the prison population will take Putin up on his offer. Putin is going to run put of convicts. They are being pushed hard and there is a lot of pressure, but no take over of Bakhmut.

Prigozhin needs to win. If he does not, he will not survive. Neither will Putin. Putin and Prig have been at this for several months at Bakhmut.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone even care about the Globes? At least the Oscars sometimes get it right.

Matthew Putnam said...

No one cares what a bunch of wealthy socialite white liberals and their token minority plantation field hands think about US foreign policy or anything else for that matter. We all know what their LARPing looks like and have heard the self congratulatory clinging of $650 champaign classes more than enough thanks.

Anonymous said...

Sure, he needs USA support. Doesnt want to scare the bankers and pols.

Start storing up additional food and suplies and dig the bunker now.

Anonymous said...


Humans are part of the animal kingdom. Animals fight. This is well known. Does not matter the particulars of the nations or ethnicities. people fight. If one ethnicity were to win and be the only people, it would fission over time and fighting would resume.

So putz try you scare stories somewhere else. Maybe you can tell you scary stories somewhere else where they would believe you. Kindergarten perhaps?

Anonymous said...

poor Matthew...left out of the party.
some of do care. we do also manage to thrive and get on without you

Anonymous said...

Why the f** is he speaking to 'Hollywood A-hole listers'??

Anonymous said...


Because this is all part of a propaganda narrative. When it is all over, he will be living in Hollywood and be employed by CNN as a 5 mil dollar year "expert" commentator.

What bs

Anonymous said...
