Thursday, January 12, 2023

U.S. And Japan Agree To Strengthen Military Cooperation To Counter Threats From China And North Korea


DNYUZ/New York Times: U.S. and Japan Say They Will Strengthen Military Cooperation 

WASHINGTON — U.S. and Japanese officials said on Wednesday that the two nations would expand their military cooperation, including improving Japan’s missile strike capabilities and making the U.S. Marine unit in that country more flexible for potential combat. 

The changes come as both nations perceive greater threatening behavior from China and North Korea, as well as Russia. Those three countries have decades-long partnerships that they have recently affirmed in various settings, despite many nations’ condemnation of Russia over its war in Ukraine.  

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WNU editor: The big story is not this growing US - Japan military alliance. The big story is that Japan is now fully committed to becoming a major military power in Asia. 

U.S. And Japan Agree To Strengthen Military Cooperation To Counter Threats From China And North Korea  

US, Japan Unveil Plans to Strengthen the Alliance -- AP  

US and Japan strengthen military relationship with upgraded Marine unit in attempt to deter China -- CNN

Attack from space would trigger collective defence, say US and Japan, amid China fears -- The Guardian  

U.S., Japan announce initiatives to reinforce 'cornerstone' alliance -- UPI  

US, Japan to place anti-ship missiles on Okinawa amid rising China tensions -- FOX News  

US and Japan boost security cooperation -- DW  

US, Japan agree to strengthen security ties amid China worries -- Al Jazeera  

Blinken Says U.S. Applauds Japan's Decision to Double Defense Spending -- US News and World Report


Anonymous said...

“There is a land in East Asia
They call the Rising Sun…”

Anonymous said...

Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere cometh!!!


Anonymous said...

"The changes come as both nations perceive greater threatening behavior from China and North Korea, as well as Russia. "

Let me add the growing alliance and military cooperation between Japan And USA is because of numerous and long time threats from China,, North Korea, Russia.

And yet again critics will view this as fueling the conflict in the region.

Anonymous said...

The sun is rising again, good for Japan

Anonymous said...

Japan has to become a major naval power again. On those ships and boats long range missiles with moving target sensors are essential.

Anonymous said...

I bet they'd be great at the tech.