Monday, January 16, 2023

U.S. National Security Adviser Plans To Visit Israel To Discuss Iran

White House National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan speaks during a daily press briefing at the White House 

Reuters: Iran on agenda when U.S. national security adviser visits Israel 

MEXICO CITY (Reuters) -Iran's nuclear program and threats posed by Tehran will be discussed when U.S. national security adviser Jake Sullivan travels to Israel to meet Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's new government. 

"I'll be going to Israel and that will be a substantial topic of conversation when I go," he said. 

Speaking to reporters traveling with President Joe Biden on a trip to Mexico City, Sullivan did not say when his trip would take place. A National Security Council spokesperson said dates were still being worked out. 

Sullivan said efforts to revive an Iran nuclear deal opposed by Israel had been set aside for now while Washington pressures Iran to stop sending drones to Russia for use in its war against Ukraine and seeks to stop a crackdown on Iranian demonstrators.  

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WNU Editor: The priority right now for the White House is the Russia - Ukraine war, and to do everything possible to weaken Russia. I suspect the reason why White House National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan wants to go to Israel is to discourage any plan by the Netanyahu government to launch a military strike against Iran. 

A military strike would not only result in war, but a closure of the Straits of Hormuz and removing almost a quarter of the world's oil supply. This would result in a massive spike in prices, and a huge windfall for the Russian government.


Anonymous said...

Democrat White House


"White House National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan wants to go to Israel is to discourage" (whatever or issue de jure)

I mean we knew that pencil necked Jake was going to discourage and all that had to be said was

WH envoy going to Israel

Might have not written one iota more.

About Pencil Neck:

"Joe Biden has lost his protection and is now a liability to the cabal that runs the deep state. They are sending metaphorical shots across his bow, warning him that he and Jill will not be campaigning for re-election, and will be lucky to serve out his one and only term as president. Minimizing the damage to the cabal and the Democrat party that is its primary instrument is now the prime directive"

If Joe goes, what does Jake's Golden parachute look like? Does he get a parachute?

Jake worked for Biden during the Obama years and at the Biden Penn Center after his vice presidency and now during his presidency.

So can Jake work for someone else? Are there opening on a staff for another Democrat presidential contender? Bet those people have their own shadow cabinet members stashed in various centers, think tanks, universities and MSM gigs. So is there any room left for Jake? Or when Biden goes, Jake loses out in the musical chairs game?

I am not concerned about Jake making a living. He'll probably slime something.

And the next Democrat presidential candidate/electee will still push forward polices to cut dicks off of children and shut the oil industry.

Anonymous said...

worry not. the deep state will take care of all things. just do as you are told.

Anonymous said...

got a bad night's sleep?
Instead of dumping crap on some folks, why not suggest reasons he has been sent. That is more to the point than silly name calling

Anonymous said...


"why not suggest reasons he has been sent"

I did.

I posted:

I mean we knew that pencil necked Jake was going to discourage and all that had to be said was

WH envoy going to Israel


Whenever the Israeli government does something not liberal, prominent elected Democrats howl loudly and denounce it. If there is a Democrat in the WH, the Regime denounces the Israeli government and send an envoy to scream and threaten them.

Brown noser Jake "Pencil Neck" Sullivan was given the job of threatening Israel. I know a few things about the geek. He has been a mentee of Lunchbox Joe for 10 or 15 years. Maybe longer. Is it possible for a mediocre hack to mentor anyone?

Also Joe stashed him at the Biden Penn center. It begs the question. Would Pencil Neck have a job without Biden? Could the geek best be considered a courtier or hanger on? We do know that Pencil Neck hitched your wagon to Joe(star) for it seems his entire working life. It has paid off to this point.

If Joe is a hack politician and he 'mentored' 'lil Jake, does that make Jake a hack too?

Just how smooth and diplomatic could a hack be at deliver message?

I think it is germane to discuss 'lil Jake's credentials.

Dumping on Pencil Neck? Certainly. I think his carrying out his boss's wishes and how he does it will harm the United States.