Wednesday, January 18, 2023

U.S. Secretary of State Blinken To Visit China February 5 - 6


Politico: Blinken to test limits of China’s diplomatic engagement on Feb. 5-6 Beijing trip 

The secretary of State’s agenda is likely to include the war in Ukraine, Beijing’s growing nuclear arsenal, stalled counternarcotics cooperation and U.S. citizens held in China. 

Secretary of State Antony Blinken will meet in Beijing with his counterpart, Chinese Foreign Minister Qin Gang, on Feb. 5-6, Washington-based diplomats familiar with Blinken’s travel plans told POLITICO. 

Blinken’s much-anticipated China trip is a follow-up to President Joe Biden’s meeting with China’s paramount leader, Xi Jinping, in Indonesia in November at which Biden pledged to “maintain open lines of communication” with Beijing at a time of worsening bilateral tensions.  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: I expect no breakthroughs.  

Update: China is laying down some conditions .... China welcomes Blinken's visit; 'time for US to make changes (Global Times). More here .... China warns Blinken to mind his manners on next visit (Washington Examiner). 

U.S. Secretary of State Blinken To Visit China February 5 - 6  

Blinken to pay long-awaited China visit in early February -- CNA/AFP  

Blinken expected to visit China in early February -- CNN  

Chinese foreign ministry welcomes visit by U.S. Secretary Blinken -- Reuters

China welcomes Blinken to visit China, in communication with US on the visit -- CGTN


Anonymous said...

Maybe the Chinese will beat him up again like they did in Alaska two years ago.

The chinks are standing their ground these days. The Americans have nothing new to offer

Anonymous said...

the chinks?
fucking hillbilly

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

young girls sare the only ones using lol these days

Anonymous said...

Yeah I'm sure you're really in touch with the cultural zeitgeist, grampa. Hit me with a Night Court reference next time.

Anonymous said...

Blinken will accomplish nothing, but it will look like he is doing something and it will play well with the dummies that watch CNN, MSNBC and the alphabet networks.

Anonymous said...

tired of winning?
trump in the dump numbers
desantis trumps trump sayeth the pundits

Anonymous said...

American voters were quizzed on their knowledge of issues and facts raised in the 2010 midterm elections, in a survey by World Public Opinion, a project managed by the Program on International Policy Attitudes at the University of Maryland.

Respondents were also asked where they get their news from: Fox News, MSNBC, CNN, newspapers, network TV news, public broadcasting.

The survey found that "substantial levels of misinformation were present in the daily consumers of all news sources." But Fox News viewers were significantly more likely to be misinformed than those who get their news from other sources. And, greater exposure to Fox News increased the degree to which viewers were misinformed.

This is not simply a matter of partisan bias. People who vote Democratic and watched Fox News were also more likely to be misinformed than those who did not watch it – though by a lesser margin than those who vote Republican. Those who got their news from NPR, CNN, or MSNBC were better informed on most – but not all – of the issues in the survey.

Anonymous said...

I dissed a holy of holies, when I dissed Blinken

Fred (2:43 PM) went to red alert and manned the ramparts.

Such a good Democrat.

So Fred what will Blinken accomplish. Please state it and be specific.

Anonymous said...

Love you too. You purple haired freak

Anonymous said...

So Free L. posted at 2:43 and 2:56.

His 3:56 post consists solely of a copy and paste.

Let's break it down.

"Program on International Policy Attitudes at the University of Maryland."

That is a long title, so those people have to be right, right?

University of Maryland. Let's stop at "University"

You mean the universities that preach everything LGBTQ+ and other things?

How do we know what the Program on International Policy Attitudes organization know what the correct policies are. Because they said so?

Fred committed the logical fallacy of "appeal to authority."