Sunday, January 15, 2023

Visualizing The Biggest Global Risks of 2023 (According To The World Economic Forum)

(Click on Image to Enlarge)  

Zero Hedge: Visualizing The Biggest Global Risks Of 2023 

The profile of risks facing the world is evolving constantly. Events like last year’s invasion of Ukraine can send shockwaves through the system, radically shifting perceptions of what the biggest risks facing humanity are. 

Visual Capitalist's Nick Routley created the graphic below to summarize findings from the Global Risks Report, an annual publication produced by the World Economic Forum (WEF). 

It provides an overview of the most pressing global risks that the world is facing, as identified by experts and decision-makers.  

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WNU Editor: The above graphic summarizes findings from the Global Risks Report, an annual publication produced by the World Economic Forum (WEF). The Global Risks Report is here (link here).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The single biggest risk - to most humans on this planet - is letting Davos members stay in power.

That's like letting super villains keep on playing with their toys (virii, wars, nukes, cyber) even though they have shown over and over again to be the single-beneficiaries of every single catastrophic, man-made event that befalls humanity..

It's weird.. whatever happens THEY seem to be prepared for it, profit by the trillions etc etc