Thursday, January 19, 2023

What NATO Is Learning in Helping Ukraine to Fight

Bloomberg: Buy More Ammo: What NATO Is Learning in Helping Ukraine to Fight 

(Bloomberg) -- NATO allies are likely to invest in air defense capabilities and deeper stocks of ammunition in the coming years in response to lessons it learned from Russia’s war in Ukraine, the alliance’s military chief said.  

Russia’s invasion shows the North Atlantic Treaty Organization needs to be prepared to fight World War One-style trench warfare and artillery barrages, while at the same time countering attacks and surveillance from armed drones, the chairman of the alliance’s military committee, Admiral Rob Bauer, said in an interview with Bloomberg News.  

“We have to prepare for the future, but we also have still to be able to fight the war of the past,” Bauer said, pointing to the decisive role of land forces, as well as missile and air power attacks, in Ukraine.   

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WNU Editor: There is a cost when you do not spend money to maintain your military forces and military industrial base. A fact that many NATO countries have learned this past year.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A fact that many NATO countries should have bloody well already have known, and probably did. But hell, when you have the U.S. around to wipe your ass whenever it needs doing, why bother?