Friday, February 24, 2023

China Calls For A Russia-Ukraine Cease-Fire And A Resumption Of Peace Talks

Bloomberg: China Calls for Cease-Fire as War in Ukraine Enters Second Year 

China called for a cease-fire between Russia and Ukraine in a 12-point proposal for ending the war that appears to have little chance of winning support from those backing the government in Kyiv. 

The position paper issued by the Foreign Ministry in Beijing on Friday called for ending hostilities, protecting nuclear plants, resuming peace talks and eliminating unilateral sanctions — a provision the US has consistently rejected. 

“All parties should support Russia and Ukraine in working in the same direction and resuming direct dialogue as quickly as possible, so as to gradually deescalate the situation and ultimately reach a comprehensive cease-fire,” the ministry said.  

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China Calls For A Russia-Ukraine Cease-Fire And A Resumption Of Peace Talks  

China calls for Russia-Ukraine cease-fire, peace talks -- AP  

China urges Russia, Ukraine to resume talks, warns against using nuclear weapons -- France 24  

China calls for peace talks, cease-fire between Russia and Ukraine -- NYPost  

China calls for Russia-Ukraine ceasefire, proposes path to peace -- Al Jazeera


Anonymous said...

All China want is Taiwan, getting ready for Russia like actions on Taiwan.

Calls for cease-fire when it comes to Russia and Ukraine.

Anonymous said...

The Chinese look at this from another perspective. The see this as an opportunity to act as a major player on the world stage. Reminiscent of Roosevelt during the Russo Japanese War.
We will see if it works out for them. I hope either side in this conflict minds their manners during this process. The Chinese can be thin skinned at times and their memories are long.