Friday, February 24, 2023

Will Russia Launch Their New Offensive From Moldova Or Belarus?

A Ukrainian serviceman of the 17th Independent Tanks Brigade drives a T-64 tank, as Russia's attack on Ukraine continues, near the frontline town of Bakhmut, Donetsk region, Ukraine February 23. REUTERS/Marko Djurica 

 DNYUZ/New York Times: Ukraine prepares itself for the possibility of Russian aggression via Moldova and Belarus. 

KYIV, Ukraine — As Ukrainian forces battle Russian attacks along the 600-mile front line and warn of an imminent large-scale missile bombardment, Kyiv is also casting an anxious eye on Russian threats via Belarus and Moldova that officials say pose minimal immediate risks but cannot be ignored. 

While military analysts have expressed doubt about Russia’s ability to open and sustain a new front in the war, Ukrainian and Western officials have warned that Moscow could try and divert Ukrainian resources through feints and deceptions, which could come from anywhere. 

This week, Ukraine deployed more troops to its border with Moldova, and the Ukrainian military has in recent months increased military drills near its border with Belarus and in the Ukrainian capital, Kyiv.  

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WNU Editor: Russia has troops and equipment in Belarus, but there is not enough there to launch an offensive on Ukraine from there. Even more so against Moldova. 

Update: A part of me is hoping and praying that Russia will not launch this major counter-operation that many have been predicting for the past month, and there are signs that it may not happen. 

Here are some of my observations: 

1) China has initiated a peace process. And while the US, NATO, and some EU states have rejected this effort, Kyiv has only publicly refused the provision of an immediate ceasefire but still wants to have talks with China. If this happens, Moscow will not order the start of this counter-operation until the Chinese have completed their efforts. That may take weeks, if not months. 

2) Russia has not ordered another mobilization. The military experts that I trust tell me that it would not make sense to launch a large-scale military operation if you do not have reserves in place to fall-back on if the offensive fails. But there is one big mobilization that is going to occur in the next two months. Every year young Russian males must serve in the military and that period of conscription occurs later in the spring. This may become the "second mobilization" of soldiers who will free up those who are currently providing the support structure of the Russian military and who may be deployed to Ukraine. Needless to say that the men who were conscripted last spring will not be permitted to go home until this war is over. 

3) Does Russia have enough weapons and ammo to maintain a major offensive? I know Russian industry is now in full war-time production mode. But it takes time to build-up your stockpiles and equipment. According to some Russian military bloggers that I follow, they believe it will only be in the summer time that Russia will have the firepower to launch such an offensive. 

4) Western intelligence has yet to see any mass movement of Russian forces to the front lines. It takes time to forward deploy a massive army, and unless the Russian army is very good at concealing their movements from Western spy satellites and communications interceptions (which I doubt), this offensive may be delayed.


Anonymous said...

They attacked 90 times yesterday along the front lines of bakumut but were repelled everytime by well
Dug in Ukrainian defenders… it’s not that Russia doesn’t want to move forward but simply can’t. Russia does not have the firepower or experienced soldiers to make any more gains.

Mr Nobody said...

No, not really attacking. This has been going on for months.
Recon in force, move forward , get shot at, Fall back. and let artillery do the work.

The Ukrainians are stuck there. Bakhmut is a tar baby. The more it sticks to you the more you get stuck. The longer you get stuck the more you die.

Insane. Ukraine's version of hamburger hill or Khe Sanh

Anonymous said...

Update: A part of me is hoping and praying that Russia will not launch this major counter-operation. What does this mean exactly? That another part of you wants Putin to launch another major offensive? Which part is which exactly? Thought you had family and or friends in Ukraine…

Anonymous said...

More importantly the region will soon be entering the spring raputitsa season. The overly warm winter this year likewise prevented the ground from hardening enough for any serious winter offensive. That likely cost the Ukrainians a chance to seize Svatove and Kremmina, but otherwise the warm weather prevented the worst fears of the winter cold killing people in Ukraine or Europe which was Putin's big ploy when he cut off energy supplies to Europe and began bombing Ukraine's energy infrastructure.

This will move the decisive operations to late spring/summer once the ground hardens.

The fact that China is presenting a peace plan now is probably an indication Putin knows his offensive is near its culmination point so there is nothing to lose. If Putin still thought he could gain ground, it is highly unlikely China would be pushing this at this point. This is all about helping their ally, not finding a solution to the war.

The idea that the Russia actions near Bakhmut is solely "recon" is ridiculous. There's lots of footage and eye witness evidence of the Russians suffering massive casualties. Far from Bakhmut being Ukraine's tar baby, it is Russia's. Wagner PMC has basically destroyed itself. What's remaining of Russian elite troops are taking heavy casualties now. Both sides are clearly taking heavy casualties, but all the evidence I see points to higher Russian casualties. WNU Editor's earlier predictions of Bakhmut falling and the entire Ukrainian army being encircled and destroyed now look hollow - just like his earlier predictions of complete Ukrainian collapse a year ago and that the entire Ukrainian army being encircled and destroyed in the east in last year's spring/summer.


Anonymous said...

Chris that is the a nice bit of rehashed msm narrative. Thank you. But if I want to hear that I can watch CNN and get The same