Sunday, February 12, 2023

In 2022 The U.S. Pledged Or Gave Ukraine $196 Billion In Military, Financial, And Humanitarian Aid

FOX News: US leads the rest of the world with $196 billion given to Ukraine amid war with Russia 

Russia first invaded Ukraine on Feb. 24, 2022 The United States continues to lead the world in contributions to Ukraine with nearly $200 billion in promised or sent aid, as the U.S. ally continues its fight against Russia. 

According to the Ukrainian government, the U.S. leads all countries with $196 billion in total military, financial and humanitarian aid to Ukraine between Jan. 24, 2022 through Nov. 20, 2022. Germany has sent the second-most funds, with $172 billion sent in that span. 

In that same span, the rest of the world has contributed less than $75 billion of total aid, with most of that sum coming from the United Kingdom ($28.2 billion), Poland ($24.3 billion), and Estonia ($5.48 billion). 

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WNU Editor: Almost $450 Billion in aid in 2022. And here is an easy prediction. I predict in 2023 Ukraine is going to receive even more aid. And what galls me is that there is no accountability. No checks or balances. This is a blank check being given to a country that many regard as one of the most corrupt in Europe.


Anonymous said...

Very simples. If you want military aid to Ukraine to decrease, then quite fucking attacking it.

Mr Nobody said...

What a waste of money. Does this include funding the Olympic team too?

Jackasses. They are supposedly in a life and death fight and they are funding and manning an Olympic team. What a waste. Gross negligence and totally unjustifiable.

BTW you all understand that this expenditure is just "White money" Right?

This 400 billion "plus" dollar budget does not include black ops money.

Anonymous said...

For every dollar that Russia spends on this war, what does it cost the west in return? Maybe we are underestimating the effectiveness of the Russian military here.

Anonymous said...

Looking a the war solely in terms of money or relative spend rates.

15,000 Russian dying in Afghanistan over 8 years hit hard. It can be seen on the Russian music and arts scene. This war will hit Russia much harder. some prick without skin in the game will argue that Russia took a bigger hit n WW2 and carried on. Demographics is different now and the birth rate is much smaller. So carry on with Putin's elective war.

Prediction there will be a large supply of Russian women prostituting themselves. Why?

Because some idiot think killing Ukrainians 1:1, 1:2, 1:3 is okay because things will be better afterwards. You are missing a lot of men schmendriks.

Hungary exist because the Avars lost the Battle of Lechfeld plus a shitload of men. All the rivers were in flood and the fords held against them. Very few men came back form battle. there was no one to teach little Johny how to be a horse archer. So Avaristan folded like a cheap suit.

Even if the attrition ratio favors Russia can Russia bear the cost? The sex ratio in Russia is going to get more skewed. But that Putin guy. He is a genius.

Come to think of it war makes it easier for rich men to have unofficial harems. Still plenty of women for the now reduced pool of men, but the Russian oligarchs get f1rst dibs.

if you are an average looking Russian guy who is a 5 or 6, you might have to settle for a 3 or 4 after Putin and cronies get the aforementioned 1st dibs.

Anonymous said...

USSR collapsed after being hoodwinked into an endless arms race that it couldn't possibly afford.

Quite humorous that it's the USSR's successor that now has us in the same position.

Anonymous said...

Assertion. no proof provided.

The Democrats have not even got real yet and Russia is having problems. President select Joe is n the way out. He is about rock bottom. Things will get better.

Better for the US worse for russia

Anonymous said...

Except Russia this time around has allies, and a developed oil and gas industry to keep it going. The west is running on fumes (debt) and is losing allies and trust at an exponential rate. The soviets were expanding its influence by force where the Russians are fighting for self preservation here. Big differences and not at all comparable to soviet ambitions or times.

Anonymous said...

Unexplained theft of international reserves has frightened large institutional investors away from the dollar, as well as out of control QE devaluing those dollars by as much as 20% per year.

$32 trillion in debt. Difficulty finding investors leaves us with QE to take over the deficit in ever increasing quantities. This further feeds into the inflation and the dollar becomes even more repellant to intl. investors. This cycle continues on an exponential curve as the problem compounds itself.

Oil has been decoupled from the dollar. It is no longer the sole means by why you can purchase it. All countries and institutions still need dollars to operate, but not in amounts commensurate with what is required to bear the burden our massive trade deficits.

All is not well, and Russia is not the only competitor that we need to worry about.

Swapping one uniparty puppet for another will not change this dynamic. Now is not the time to be borrowing/printing money so that it can be transformed into a smoldering wreck in Donbass, no matter how many Russians it may kill on it's way. While ignorance of these trends will result in a crash, a softened landing is still possible.

Anonymous said...

RUSSIA HAD LOTS OF ALLIES IN THE 1980S. It had the whole East bloc, Cuba and various other thugocracies.

Russia's ally China just might take North Manchuria back in much the same way as Russia took Crimea, Handed a fait accompli is russia going to trade nuke for nuke with China?

Anonymous said...

Xi taking North Manchuria would relative pressure for him to take Taiwan. he could then take a softpower appraoch

Anonymous said...

Yakut could be independent

Buryatia could join Mongolia

japan would get the Kuriles

China would get the part of Manchuria that was taken from them.

Everyone gets something and is happy.

Anonymous said...

If China did that, every citizen in Russia would demand the nuclear annihilation of China. China has ambitions and needs as many allies it can get. Border tensions with its biggest is not on the list. Western delusions And desires it what it amounts to

Anonymous said...

You're stuck 40 years in the past if you still think that Russia and China's territorial disputes haven't been resolved.

Anonymous said...


"Very simples. If you want military aid to Ukraine to decrease, then quite fucking attacking it"

Ron said...

in the course of my life, as I was taught and lived, the common values seemed to work. If you went against the basic standards, set in human society by thousands of years of trial and error, you would experience failure. in this story I see 196 billion dollars given to another country to fund their failures and I have no say in it. some of the money was taken from me and some of the debt is placed on me and my family. it concerns me because our debt seems disastrous based on the common sense i was raised in. but here in the new paradigm, there is no correlation of how much I am taxed and how much the government spends. I don't understand it. So i guess some of the values I have clung to all my life were wrong. Hell, why not give them a trillion dollars.

Anonymous said...

Land issues are never resolved. Treaties are paper. Desires change depending on correlation of forces.

It was WNU who pointed out that the reason or part of it of a joint exercise by Russia and China 4 or 5 years ago was for Russia to demonstrate that it would be hard nut to crack, Part of the exercise was putting up or restoring high voltage transmission line.

The exercise were as much about warning China as it was cooperation or training the military.

Anonymous said...

Quebec could be independent, British Columbia can screw off, Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba can unite and separate, Ontario can be independent, Newfoundland can be its own thing, east coast can join New England. See, I can be ridiculous too

Anonymous said...

The only way it MIGHT be a worthwhile "investment" is if the ultimate result is a decimated Russian military and several long term military and economic repercussions. Hopefully to the point that Russia becomes even less relevant in the future than it was before. Which would leave us more time to concentrate on China.

Anonymous said...

The Canada Russia comparison really doesn't work, Insert another quarter and play again.

Anonymous said...

I can't believe that Zelinskyy wasn't at the Super Bowl Halftime show...WTF was Biden thinking??

Anonymous said...

^^ Russian trolls have to learn how to troll better

Anonymous said...

Hey look, a liberal fascist who can’t stand other peoples ideas or opinions. Now blame Russia for all your problems, idiot