Sunday, February 12, 2023

So Much For U.S. Defense Cuts Being Passed In Congress

The Hill: Chinese spy balloon has GOP saying no cuts to defense 

A growing number of Senate Republicans are saying that President Biden and Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) should take defense spending cuts off the table in their negotiation over the debt ceiling. 

The Republicans are digging in their heels after receiving a classified briefing on a Chinese spy balloon that floated over sensitive military installations. 

“The entire civilized world should recognize that communist China is probably the greatest threat we’ve ever faced, more severe than Soviet Russia was because of its economic integration into the West,” said Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Ark.) after receiving a briefing from senior administration officials on the spy balloon. “We should take every step we can to try to reduce our dependency on China [and] try to build stronger military deterrence against them. 

“I do not think that we should be talking about cutting the defense budget at all right now. If anything, substantial defense increases,” he said.  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: There is definitely going to be no defense cuts. What I see is the groundwork being laid to raise the US defense budget between 3% to 5% for the next fiscal year.


Anonymous said...

You don't cut the defense budget in the middle of a war.

The colonial pipeline hack was an act of war. It was hybrid war, but nonetheless war. We've been at war a longtime.

Anonymous said...

Another successful psyop. We're so good at those. If only our enemies were as dumb as our neighbors.

Anonymous said...

Colonial Pipline hack as an act of war. Russian Troll bitch 11:23 does deny

Anonymous said...

In America you never cut the defense budget

Anonymous said...

"In America you never cut the defense budget" - Russian Punk ASS Troll

Anonymous said...

your white trash comment not appreciated
Total U.S. defense spending (in inflation-adjusted dollars) has increased so much over the past decade that it has reached levels not seen since World War II, when the United States had 12 million people under arms and waged wars on three continents. Moreover, the U.S. share of global military expenditures has jumped from about one-third to about one-half in this same period. Some of this growth can be attributed to the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, but the baseline or regular defense budget has also increased significantly. It has grown in real terms for an unprecedented 13 straight years, and it is now $100 billion above what the nation spent on average during the Cold War. The fiscal year 2012 budget request of $553 billion is approximately the same level as Ronald Reagan’s FY 1986 budget.

Anonymous said...

The laptop bombardiers are out in force today.

Sign up for front-line infantry and storm the Dagu Forts!

Anonymous said...

cracker at work
insults are not mature comments
you need to put aside your upbringing and address the post.
how do you feel about the budget?
for or against it?
how do you feel about the conflict?
which side do you support?

Anonymous said...

Yes that would be my question. What does defense spending look lie over the last 70 years when adjusted for inflation.

Anonymous said...


trolls out in force form the Fucking Ass Tribr

"Military budget of China, USSR, Russia and U.S. in constant 2019 US$ billions"

Constant as in inflation adjusted. YW. Now take a long walk on a short pier.

Anonymous said...

You're so mad lmao. Experiencing some crises of ideology these days partner?

Anonymous said...

Gríma Wormtongue: "Late is the hour in which ..."

Anonymous said...

Even a cut would still be 2x more than any other country in the world. But there won’t be one. America is gearing up for a major war especially in space.

Anonymous said...

"Even a cut would still be 2x more than any other country "

So hard to persuade people to go through the chute to the slaughter floor isn't troll?

Russia spends more than the US when measured by percentage of GDP.

Then there is purchasing power parity to take into account.

Try harder trollsky

Anonymous said...

Measured by gdp lol.. Russia spends a tiny amount on defense compared to America.. about 1/20th in billions

Anonymous said...

And it shows on the battlefield

Anonymous said...

It shows. When the russian officer goes down activity ceases.

Anonymous said...

If that is true, then it is a carry over from the Soviet days

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately, for Russian recruits that is true. Right now it is fortunate. After the war, it needs to be fixed. It might have repercussion beyond the military for the good.