Saturday, February 11, 2023

Polish General Warns President Zelensky’s Government Probably Already Has Nuclear Weapons

Polish General Waldemar Skrzyptzak © Photo : Twitter / AndrzejJakiewic 

Free West Media: Polish general warns that Zelensky has nuclear weapon  

Apparently it's no longer just about tanks and fighter jets for Ukraine: According to Polish General Waldemar Skrzyptzak (67), the government in Kiev is said to have nuclear weapons once again. Other experts believe that even if they do not have such a weapon now, they'll have one soon. 

Warsaw: In an interview, one of Poland’s best-known military officers gave an analysis of where Europe might be headed in the war in Ukraine: General Waldemar Skrzyptzak said in an interview with radio station Wnet that President Zelensky’s government probably already has nuclear weapons. 

This was not absurd, explained the general: “Ukraine has officially had no nuclear weapons since the early 1990s, when it agreed to hand them over to Russia under international agreements. Now the reality could be very different.”  

Read more ....  

Update: Ukraine May Have Already Reacquired Nuclear Weapons, Polish General Says (Sputnik).  

WNU Editor: Rumors that Ukraine has nuclear weapons have been circulating since last year. Recall Russian Defense Minister Shoigu warning other NATO Defense Ministers last year that Ukraine possess dirty bombs .... Shoigu’s claims about ‘dirty bomb’ intended to intimidate NATO, ISW says (New voice of Ukraine).


Matthew Putnam said...

Materials for a dirty bomb? Very likely. A conventional nuclear weapon? Nope. Not a thing. No Ukraine does not.

Anonymous said...

Those were the Wonder Years

Anonymous said...

My sources say they have been given a few in case Russia uses a first strike nuke.. Ukraine can now respond,and won’t russia be surprised

Anonymous said...

your source is applesource

Anonymous said...

Nuclear bomb.


I've heard enough about my father was an artillery officer stories. It certainly gave WNU an insight into what happened and what tactics may be good.

There are other valid WW2 stories out there. I for one do not see how nuclear bombs are worse than carpet bombing a city into oblivion or firebombing cities. Argue that a slow death from radiation poisoning is the worst, How bout a slow death from burns to 70% to 905 of your body? I view that as 6 of one versus half dozen of another.

Argue that seeing the flash and knowing that the blast wave is coming is the worst. Hoe about a firestorm caused by firebombing. You could be a block or two away from the flames and be sucked into the flames by the force of the draft. That has to be scarier than a blast way that instantly kills you.

Bombing a city with high explosives or going ape, I mean Russian, on a city like Grozny or pick a Ukrainian city is not worse than a nuke? Ask the people of Guernica, London or Nanking. Is getting sucked into a firestorm or getting hit by a nuclear blast wave worse than suffocating, because artillery blocked your route out of a storm/bombardment cellar?

I really do not give a flying fuck if Ukraine nukes Russia. Russia has it coming.

Matthew Putnam said...

Anonymous sources are just as useful as uncorroborated evidence. Can you imagine? No, no one "gave Nukes to Ukraine" to enable them some lesser version of a MAD policy to check Russia, and therefor a tiny queef-of-recourse or prevention over what Russia has. Thats not how things work. What a stupid thing to assert. Again, No one gave a few nukes to Ukraine. Why even say that? Not a country in the world would give Nukes to Ukraine, not even the US under Biden. At least not until there is a bag of cash for Hunter to pick up and "10% for The Big Guy" as we have seen repeatedly.

Anonymous said...

The fire bombing campaign did much more damage than the nukes on Japan during Ww2..I see what your saying.

Anonymous said...

Not given by any country but “ acquired” from an anonymous one.never underestimate desperation.

Anonymous said...

3:15 PM is suffering from a severe mental illness

Anonymous said...

if you can not make an adult comment then shut the fuck up
tell us why he is wrong or what you believe. Acting like a spoiled schoolchild adds nothing to the post

Anonymous said...

Desperately praying for both North American coastlines to be bathed in high energy neutron rays. siggghhh A girl can dream...

fazman said...

Lol and Archie comics .

Anonymous said...

@5:22 why?

Anonymous said...

4:27 I would assert that you are the mentally ill person.

There is a reason that a statue or the mere mention of erecting one to Bomber Harris was controversial.

There is a reason why some allied airmen were glad to see German uniforms and be formally was so German civilians would not beat them to death.

The fire bombing of Hamburg, which burned for 4 days straight is controversial. On the other hand allied bomb assessment personnel that manufacturing plants continued production after being hit with high explosive bombs. apparently 1940;s machine tools wee not much affected by shrapnel. So a decision was made to go after workers. War crime?

The fire bombing of Tokyo was horrifying. My first though was run to the rivers. Lot people did to escape the fire. Seems logical, they suffocated anyway. Suffocation is painful and last a bit longer than death by a blast wave.

Is dying slower less painful than dying in a flash of light? You seem to know who is or is not mentally ill. Maybe you can answer the question about the whether a nuclear blast or dying in a conventional firestorm is less painful?

I have relatives who were citizens of both Axis and Allied countries. They were all on the receiving end of massive bombing campaigns. So it is not an esoteric question for me.

All those war crimes against civilians and I am told my way of aging war, decapitation, is illegal and/or immoral. So you call me ill. Well hey bud screw you. you need professional help.

At least 4:35 is consistent.

Anonymous said...

3:15 4:35 6:30. is is is is s yes IT IS SKODDDA!!

Yes sports fans, once again it is Skoda!!

Skoda, Left wing wake who hates the russians

the man with all the answers

Skoda who cannot make a coherent. thought


The King of illogical thinking!

Slava SKODA!!!!

Skoda Forever!!

Anonymous said...

^^^ Russian Troll thinks 4:35 is a sock puppet. Just dumb.