Sunday, February 12, 2023

Ukraine Says 824 Russian Soldiers Are Dying Per Day In February

BBC: Russian soldier death rate highest since first week of war - Ukraine 

Russian soldiers are dying in greater numbers in Ukraine this month than at any time since the first week of the invasion, according to Ukrainian data. 

The Ukrainian data shows 824 Russian soldiers dying per day in February. The figures were highlighted by the UK's Ministry of Defence. 

The figures cannot be verified - but the UK says the trends are "likely accurate". 

The increase comes amid talk of a spring offensive by Russian forces in the east of the country. 

Last week, Ukraine's outgoing defence minister, Oleksiy Reznikov, said they were anticipating a new Russian offensive around 24 February - the anniversary of the full-scale invasion.  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: I learned a long time ago to not trust Ukraine's stats. If they are believed, a fifth of the Russian military have been killed, and another fith have been wounded. In other-words. The Russian Army has been obliterated. 

And as for the UK, U.S., and other NATO members repeating the Ukraine line on casualties. Sighhh .... providing no details on the where/when/and how they determined their numbers only makes them less believable. 

Ukraine Says 824 Russian Soldiers Are Dying Per Day In February  

UK: Russia Suffers Highest Rate of Casualties Since First Week of Invasion -- VOA  

Russian casualties highest since beginning of Ukraine war, UK says -- Business Insider  

British intelligence names reasons behind significant Russian losses in Ukraine -- Ukrinform  

Russian military death toll in past week at nearly 6,500 -- Ukrinform  

Ukraine War in Data: Estimated number of Russian troops killed and wounded in Ukraine is ‘approaching 200,000′ -- GRID


Anonymous said...

It’s not hard to believe since any attacking army always has much harder time than the defender especially against wester weapons that are hidden so well. Feel bad for Russia hope all this is worth it but doubt it will ever be.

Anonymous said...

Editor is correct. There is no way of knowing what the stats for Russian dead are.
The truth, Certainly not from the Ukrainian government or the Intel agencies of the West.

It's like the data put into the vietnam war computer model in 1969.

Q. When will we win the war?
A. You won it 2 years ago.

Same with the msm and ukies narritive. If it had been true, the ukies would have taken Crimea by now.

Instead, soon they are going to have a Russian offensive shoved down their propaganda throats.
Nothing much else to say. Just I am glad it is not me out there...on any side.

Anonymous said...

Lol, WNU editor is never asking the validity of Russian statistics…unfortunately no balanced commenting can be expected here

Anonymous said...

WNU is coping since he’s a Russian shill.

Anonymous said...

Seems quite desperate of Ukraine to issue press release on Russian casualties. And how would they even know? Propaghanda.

Anonymous said...

It is ghost of Kiev crap

Anonymous said...

Wagner Chief, Heinrich Luitpold Prigozhin, recruited around 50,000 Russian prisoners. 10,000 survived 6 months to be pardoned.

The prisoners alone add up to 222 dead Russian per day over a 6 month period.

But honestly many of the prisoners died in the battles around Bakhmut, so you are talking about way more than 222 per day. The Ukrainians, or Ukies as the Russian troll quartet here like to call them derisively could be right.

Helluva deal to go back on a social contract.

I would welch on a deal with some of the prisoners too, but I would still free them. They could set up in a remote place in Russia, but which has decent economic means. That would more or less keep the spirit of the deal.

but what evs WNU.

Gillitine inthusiest said...

Western media is a joke and all the cucks that eat it up are a joke as well. our government pisses on them and tells them it's raining and they love it. It's pathetic

Anonymous said...

"Russia is running out of shells" AKA "We're out of shells"

"Russia is press ganging teenagers into service" AKA "We're press ganging kids"

"Russia's economy has crumbled" AKA "Our economy no longer exists"

"Russia's suffered 200k dead" AKA "We've lost 200k dead"

You see it's always a 1:1 projection. Little effort is made to inflate or adjust the numbers when applying their own observable circumstances to what they think Russia also must be suffering.

Stories like this will build and build over the coming days and weeks. This cope is the only way to spin the losses as a tactical win.

Remember the number 824 for when the dust has settled. It'll turn out, like all psyops out of Kiev, that it's exactly the number of Ukrainians that were lost in the Bakhmut grinder every day.

As for Russian losses: we don't know any anyone quoting a definitive number can be dismissed as a propagandist. The Kremlin isn't waging a media war like Kiev is. They don't talk about every planned offensive or attack on TV all day for months, and their officers/officials certainly don't comment publicly on ongoing operations.

Anonymous said...

How many prisoners recruited?

How many prisoners made it to 6 months?

What is the complement?

What is is the period of time?

Calculate the average rate.

Anonymous said...

Russia is or was running out of shells. it is why they contracted with North Korea for shells.

Anonymous said...

if you distrust western media, where do you get your news from? and why do you trust that source? easy enough to dismiss media, but note that every post at this site is from media.

Hans Persson said...

Doesn't take you long to realize that the amount is staggering when you see all the videos coming out. I've seen waves of Russians advancing over piles of dead comrades from earlier attempts, just to be cut down like the previous comrades. Over and over again

Anonymous said...

Hunter's Laptop

Anonymous said...

Trump’s empty head

Anonymous said...

Weekend Update

Anonymous said...

he said she said
read Orwell

Anonymous said...

Hans Persson, you neglected to provide a link to back up your observations.

Anonymous said...

The Ukrainians are obviously overstating their enemy casualties because that is what everyone does in war (including Russia). The most optimistic estimates are always taken for reasons of morale and commanders making themselves look good. So that is a hard ceiling as it is extremely unlikely actual casualties are higher than that.

The NATO countries are probably being very conservative in their estimates because that suits their purpose - figuring out how much of a threat Russia remains to Ukraine so they can supply the necessary aid to prevent Ukraine from losing. They represent the low floor.

I figure the most likely Russian dead right now is between 80,000 and 110,000 with probably over 100k dead.

We know that besides the public mobilization in September 2022 that Russia conducted four "stealth mobilizations" before that. There was the creation of the Russian Combat Army Reserve (Russian acronym BARS) in autumn 2021, likely intended to prepare a reserve for the war. The second mobilization was among some of Russia's regular reserves just before the war. I don't think either of these contributed much troops. Then there was the third mobilization in March 2022 when it was apparent that something had gone wrong. And in June 2022 Russia began the fourth mobilization when it announced the creation of "volunteer battalions." And of course there was also the Wagner recruitment from prisons. And of course Russia has deployed forces not officially part of the Russian army - besides Wagner there is the Rogsvardia, Kadyrov's forces, and the DNR/LNR militias. So Russia had significantly augmented its forces even before the public mobilization.

Russia also noticeably consumed the forces that would have been responsible for training new units by throwing them into combat in spring 2023 in the hopes that they would tip the balance and end the war sooner. That gambit failed, and it seems to be severely impairing Russia's ability to generate new effective troops.

So combined with the public mobilization, Russia has certainly increased their forces by a hell of a lot. While some new formations have obviously been formed, it seems much of them were simply sent to replace losses. They simply maintained Russian levels, not augmented them too much. So I do think the available evidence indicates Russia has lost a substantial numbers.

I do laugh that WNU Editor says that if 2/5 of the Russian military has been killed or wounded, that would mean the Russian military is "obliterated" and therefore it is not possible. But he'll also claim - without any evidence - that the entirety of Ukraine's army prior to the war is now destroyed including every single member that had been trained by NATO prior to the war.

Somehow Ukraine's military has been wiped out, but still able to force Russia out of the north, Kharkhiv, and Kherson west of the Dneiper. One wonders who exactly all these Russians are fighting and why they retreated if they took so few casualties and Ukraine's are enormous.

If we compare the two forces we noticed a pattern. Russian military effectiveness has obviously declined over the past year. Its capabilities are noticeably degraded. Ukrainian military effectiveness has obviously improved. Its capabilities are strengthening. So while both sides have obviously taken huge losses, Russia seems to have gotten the worse of it.

Russia certainly has the resources to prolong the war for a while, but they have clearly suffered significant casualties


Roger29palms said...

If you've been using this site for some time, 2:09PM, you should by now know that Hans is not a smoke blower.

Anonymous said...

You are smoking crack. When the ukies say they have no arty shells left , their tanks are now non existent and they need over 300 more. Their units are still there but many are at 60% or less combat effective. Yes they have done a good job of holding the ruskies at bay

But to say

. Ukrainian military effectiveness has obviously improved. Its capabilities are strengthening. So while both sides have obviously taken huge losses, Russia seems to have gotten the worse of it.

Is nuts.

The Russians still have an intact nation and armed forces.the Ukrainians are pulling people off the streets.

Ukrainian capabilities are going up because as of right now their capabilities are so low that there is nowhere to go but up.

The Russians have all the advantages. They just suck at warfighting. They are improving little by little. They are have reverted to the Soviet ww2 model of war fare. Arty is king...use every opportunity to turn the ground like a roto tiller

How long will this continue?

Until the West tires of sending blood money to Zelinski.

Anonymous said...

You will never see evidence provided for the claims of human wave attacks "advancing over piles of dead comrades from earlier attempts". They will never be posted by the commenters here claiming to have "seen" them, because they do not exist.

You demean yourself when you take it beyond "I saw an internet comment claiming.." and transform it to "I have personally witnessed.."

Anonymous said...

Pretty sad shit

Anonymous said...

The amount can be staggering and still not be equal to the numbers that Ukraine is issuing.
This war should be receiving more coverage than it is, Imo. Thousands of deaths per week, if counting both sides, is much more intensive warfare than the world has seen since the Korean War.

Anonymous said...

IKR... He'll go on information from friends he knows loool. RU shill

Hans Persson said...


Didn't think i had to provide proof that Russians are dying?
But ok, this is just a day old or something:

Ron said...

Growing up I watched the vietnam war on good morning america while eating my captain crunch. I remember everyday GMA posted a body count. American boys killed and wounded and they would run names. That is why populism turned against the war. I think if either side did anything like that, their populace would pull down their governments. here in this blog and all through the west in general, we debate back and forth as each of us speculate based on whatever source one uses. But, None of us knows because the two governments involved don't want us to know the truth. I suspect it is very bad for both sides.

Hans Persson said...

Wise words.

Anonymous said...

@5:06 You described personally witnessing footage of human wave attacks with soldiers marching over their fallen comrades.

The video you linked is the BrOSINT clip that was in the WNU tweet list yesterday:

"Regarding that video of the failed Russian assault near Ugledar today. No one's posting the longer version. Because it shows that most of the "30 destroyed vehicles" from the BrOSINT screenshots simply retreated intact and weren't destroyed at all.

Obviously, still a failed assault with questionable tactics. But should show you that pseudo-OSINT propaganda accounts like Tahrir al-Sham's greatest soldier Calibre Obscura are knowingly lying to you and misrepresenting footage most are simply too lazy to look up on their own."

The fact is neither side is using "human wave tactics". Neither side is able to produce footage of it to support their claims at least.

Hans Persson said...

Oh don't you put your filthy words in my mouth.

"I've seen waves of Russians advancing over piles of dead comrades from earlier attempts, just to be cut down like the previous comrades". Source: ME.

Use your eyes, look whats happening in the video, ignore your little goblins in your head, look!

You're straw manning doesn't work.

That was just the most recent video I saw, you asked and I provided. I didn't go to a fucking lab and to do an investigation and spend years doing research about the video.

They advance past dead comrades. Not very far tho.

Anonymous said...

I learned even longer ago not to trust Russian stats. So I guess we're even.