Tuesday, March 7, 2023

Canada To Probe Reports Of Chinese Election Interference


Bloomberg: Trudeau Orders Review of Alleged Chinese Election Interference 

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau yielded to pressure over allegations China interfered in Canada’s elections, appointing a special investigator to study the matter. 

“Upholding confidence in our democratic process in our elections, in our institutions, is of utmost importance,” the prime minister told reporters Monday evening in Ottawa. 

The “independent special rapporteur” will have a wide mandate and make recommendations on fighting foreign meddling, he added. 

The issue will also be studied by a group of lawmakers cleared to see top-secret intelligence, Trudeau said.   

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: This is my take also .... Trudeau goes from standstill to 'panic mode' on Chinese interference (Don Martin, CTV News). According to all polls three-quarters of Canadians want answers, including this blogger who is also a Canadian.  

Update: All of this news first started from an intelligence leak. Not surprising, the Trudeau government, deeply embarrassed by all of these revelations, want to know who the leaker is .... RCMP investigating leaks alleging foreign election interference (CTV News). 

Canada To Probe Reports Of Chinese Election Interference  

Trudeau lays out multipronged foreign interference probes but no inquiry — yet -- Global News  

Trudeau orders new probes into alleged election interference by China -- Reuters  

Canada to probe alleged Chinese election interference -- DW  

Canada roiled by leaked intelligence reports of Chinese election ‘meddling’ -- The Guardian  

Canada’s Trudeau opens investigation into China election meddling -- FOX News 

Canada’s Trudeau to probe alleged Chinese election interference -- France 24  

For the Liberals' sake (and democracy) Trudeau needs clearer answers on foreign interference -- CBC


Anonymous said...

The lackluster response speaks volumes. School yard drama level of smoke and mirrors.

Anonymous said...

Castro Jr will get cleared and this will be forgotten just like everything else. Welcome to Canada.

Anonymous said...

Draft eligibles and go to war!

Anonymous said...

If Xi wanted a liberal slob elected in Canda, chances are 110% that he wanted a slop elected in America like Obama or Biden.

Russia is the same way. There are at least 2 oligarchs that the US does not sanction, because they pal around with Hunter.

Anonymous said...

Russia is the same way? Come on man, the Russophobia stinks to high heaven. How do you get Russia involved into this conversation exactly?

Anonymous said...

at 2:39 PM names and evidence plz

Anonymous said...

Russia is the same way. China and Russia paid money to the Biden Crime Family.

Anonymous said...

There are sanctions galore against Russia by the U.S.. we likely even blew up their pipeline. Unlike China where we dropped all Trump imposed tariffs the first week Biden was in office. Ukraine are the ones who paid off the Biden’s, hence the never ending support for their lost war against the Russians.

Anonymous said...

The top secret CYA plan has been enacted. shhhh! Nothing to see here

Anonymous said...

So a crooked politician in a US city is paid bribes by two Mafia crime families. Does it matter that one Mafia family pays more?


The Chinese paid more money than the Russians. Do Chinese payoffs negate Russian payoffs?

There were Russian payoffs. This we know. When it comes to auction, where politicians are for sale, maybe the Russians should not have made a bid after the Chinese outbid them?

Maybe Putin is a sucker? There is a sucker born every minute.

My day would not be compete without slamming the door on some Russian troll's dick.

Anonymous said...

3:43 Russophobia? WTF is that, and what's wrong with it? Just think of it as Russo-disdain and relax.

Anonymous said...

I’m an American living and working in Canada. It’s our culture here to call someone a “phobic” when they say mean things about something or someone. Do try to keep up, Russophobe. Now stop denigrating my white supremest culture

Anonymous said...

Russian foreign interference allegations in US Election - WNU Editor "False! Lies!"

Chinese foreign interference allegations in Canadian Elections - WNU Editor "I demand answers!"

Anonymous said...

5:21 is obviously a a persona of a cyber warrior and a complete maroon.

RussInSoCal said...

Its telling that Trudeau is more worried about the leak than he is about China rigging elections for him.

/oh wait...

Anonymous said...

Isn't Trudeau the one who embarassed democracies around the World when he couldn't stomach legal protest by Truckers and then colluded with banks and tech companies to deplatform them? And he used an "emergency act" (like Hitler) on top to achieve this outcome?
Now we find out he too has colluded, like the Biden administration, and the Nazis in New Zealand and Australia, with CHINA???

Is it now legally ok to publically call for the execution (after trial of course) of Trudeau and all these other traitors around the globe?


Anonymous said...

we are doomed. doomed i tell you

Anonymous said...

3:05 AM
dumbest remarks of the month by this misfit

Anonymous said...

^^^ Nasty former college professor of no intellectual heft

Everything innumerate, functionally illiterate prof believed about COVID is wrong.

Anonymous said...

at 2:39 PM names and evidence plz

WH won’t say why Hunter Biden-tied Russian oligarchs avoided sanctions

1) Vladimir Yevtushenkov
2) Yelena Baturina.

Eat shit