Wednesday, March 8, 2023

EU Defense Ministers Discuss 'War Economy'

DW: EU defense ministers discuss 'war economy,' ammo for Ukraine  

The European Union is looking at how to boost ammunition supplies in both the short and long term at a meeting in Stockholm. A top EU official has called for "a war economy." 

Defense ministers from the EU's 27 member states are meeting in the Swedish capital on Wednesday to debate plans to refill Ukraine's ammunition stockpiles from their own while also ramping up production within the bloc. 

The meeting comes amid concerns that Ukraine will run out of the 155-millimeter howitzer shells that have played a key role in the country's defense against the full-scale Russian invasion that began in February 2022. 

The EU ministers will discuss the possibility of sending €1 billion worth ($1.06 billion) of shells from their own stockpiles while at the same time considering how to ramp up the bloc's homegrown arms production capacities.  

Read more ....  

Update #1: EU Defense Ministers Back Fast-Tracking Ukraine Ammunition (Bloomberg)  

Update #2: EU considers 'war economy' in effort to rush ammo to Ukraine (Al Mayadeen)  

WNU Editor: It looks like the EU is in panic mode to send ammo to Ukraine.


Jac said...

EU ministers discuss, and EU ministers discuss again and usual. Doing is an other thing because in this "strange association" nobody is agreeing, no matter what the subject is. Ukraine will have ammunition from year at best.

Jac said...

"It looks like the EU is in panic mode to send ammo to Ukraine." Panic mode in Europe means acting as soon as the next meeting if the meeting agree with the agreement for a next meeting. Unbelievable!

Ron said...

Let me help them. gather all greenie zombies out of every position of authority and instruction and hang them. Then hang half of the lawyers. Then commission industry leaders to build x y and z fast. all building permits will be approved quickly. If they do it in a certain time frame they get a huge bonus. Basically the American WW2 model.

They won't do it, so hey Ukraine, well bye.

Anonymous said...

^ Why only half the lawyers?

Before arming Ukraine from current stockpiles, they need to figure out "how to ramp up the bloc's homegrown arms production capacities" FIRST. Something that should already have been done, but hey, why be proactive when you can settle for reactive? In terms of military readiness, the West isn't just asleep at the wheel, it's AWOL.

Anonymous said...

^^yep ain't globalism great?

Anonymous said...


McConnell sided with Schumer on releasing all J6 tapes.

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, 81, is rushed to hospital after tripping and falling at DC hotel dinner


And now this

I predicted that Joe would be tuckered out after his excellent Ukraine adventure

Karine Jean-Pierre Laughs When Reporter Asks Why the Public Hasn’t Seen Joe Biden in Days (VIDEO)

2/3rds of people could have predict that and 90% could if they were honest.

Anonymous said...

They a little too late. But better late than never.

Anonymous said...

They won't let Ukraine join NATO but they will reorganize their entire economy for it? Doubt. They hate Ukraine as much as they hate Russia.