Thursday, March 9, 2023

Freedom House Report Says Global Freedom Declined For 17th Year


RFE: Rights Watchdog Says Global Freedom Declined For 17th Year  

Global freedoms declined for a 17th consecutive year in 2022 as the struggle for democracy approaches a turning point amid a curtailment of freedom of expression in countries such as Russia and Iran. 

Human rights watchdog Freedom House said in its annual report on freedoms around the world, released on March 9, that the number of countries to score zero for freedom of expression rose on the year to 33 from 14, with media freedom coming under pressure in at least 157 countries and territories during 2022.  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: The Freedom House report is here .... Freedom in the World 2023: Marking 50 Years in the Struggle for Democracy (Freedom House). 

Freedom House Report Says Global Freedom Declined For 17th Year  

Report: Global Freedoms Declined in 2022, but in Fewer Countries -- Reuters  

Democracy's global decline hits "possible turning point," report finds -- Axios 

Freedom House downgrades Peru, Burkina Faso but sees bright spots -- AFP  

Freedom House: Global Freedom Declines for 17th Year -- GIJN  

The Global Democratic Recession May Finally Be Ending, a New Report Finds -- Time


Anonymous said...

Freedom house is funded by US government which means full of bs and bias.

Anonymous said...

Primary funding for Freedom House's programs comes in the form of grants from USAID and U.S. State Department, as well as from other democratic governments—Canada, the EU, the Netherlands, Norway, and Sweden—and from private foundations, including the John D. and Catherine T.

Anonymous said...

The United State should be the color of Algeria, Kazakhstan or Russia.

QAnon Shaman Jacob Chansley sentenced to 41 months for trespassing. He was put in solitary c9onfinement to force a plea deal. Law enforcement opened lock doors for him.

Senators Bitch McConnell and Chuck U. Schumer (which means worthless) complain that all the video from J6 may be seen. It is one thing to selectively sample items from a whole set. that is called a 'salted' sample. In statistics that is wrong and gives you bad answers.

When you have the whole set and can look at everything. There is no bias.

I hope McConnel faceplanted hard yesterday. He is as worthless as Harry Reid. He has the same taste for the posh life and will do anything to get it.

Bitch has some paralysis of the legs as a result of polio. Polio can also affect the brain. You have to wonder.

Anonymous said...

Is 11:25 a Former/Retired post? It has 3 hallmarks of one.

IDK about the Nordic countries, but anything by the State Department, USAID and Canada are suspect.

I have seen recent examples of USIAD and State department funding things they should not have like in Israel.

The State Department is funding freedom what Soros is to philanthropy.

Anonymous said...

Primary funding for Freedom House’s programs comes in the form of grants from USAID and U.S. State Department, as well as from other democratic governments—Canada, the EU, the Netherlands, Norway, and Sweden—and from private foundations, including the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation and the Ford Foundation.

Anonymous said...

The more open your institutions are to capture by foreign agents, the higher your “democracy score”. Simple as. Baerbocks Green Party alone boosts Germanys score by 50%.

Anonymous said...

I blame the elites! those making more money than I do.

DinoB said...

11:28 is 100% correct

Anonymous said...

all is corrupt. Only my family is on the level. And I sometimes wonder about my mother in law.

Anonymous said...

11:54 but unironically

Anonymous said...

So the BLOB is fictitious? Neocons are a myth?
No way.

Anonymous said...

The BLOB does not exist? Neocons are a myth? No way.