Thursday, March 9, 2023

U.S. Air Force Releases A Stunning New Image Of The B-21 Stealth Bomber

A new B-21 view (U.S. Air Force photo) 

Warzone/The Drive: B-21 Raider Seen From Above In New Image 

As the B-21 creeps towards its first flight, still slated for later this year, we are getting new looks at it and new insights. 

Two new images of the B-21 Raider next-generation stealth bomber have been released by the U.S. Air Force. One is a detailed close-up of the B-21's nose and cockpit section, the other provides us with the first look at the planform of the secretive new jet, which aims to replace the B-2 and the B-1. 

The elevated image underscores the B-21's overall layout, which harkens back to what the B-2 would have looked like if requirements for low-level penetration were not introduced mid-way through its development. This planform also would have given the B-2 a substantially higher operating ceiling, which the B-21 will likely achieve. While the image overall is compressed due to the wide angle lens, it still highlights the B-21's smaller proportions compared to its now well over three decades-old progenitor.  

Read more .... 

 U.S. Air Force Releases A Stunning New Image Of The B-21 Stealth Bomber  

U.S. Air Force Reveals New B-21 Design Details -- Aviation Week  

BREAKING: U.S. Air Force Has Just Released New B-21 Raider Images -- The Aviationist  

New look at US Air Force's B-21 stealth bomber ahead of first flight -- 9News  

New images of B-21 stealth bomber emerge ahead of first flight -- Aerospace Manufacturing  

USAF Reveals Stunning Images Of B-21 Raider Stealth Bomber -- Zero Hedge

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