Friday, March 10, 2023

Is Iran Gearing Up To Attack The West?

Two Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps personnel pose in front of a flag © Provided by The Telegraph  

Con Coughlin, The Telegraph: Iran is gearing up to attack Britain and the West  

With world attention understandably focused on the Ukraine crisis, we should not be surprised that rogue nations should be seeking to exploit the conflict in order to advance their own nefarious agendas. 

For most of the past decade, British security officials, when asked to rank hostile states that threaten our national wellbeing, have put Russia in first place, with China coming a close second. 

Other threats, such as those posed by Iran and North Korea, as well as the continuing challenge presented by militant Islamist groups, have been deemed less immediate while still worthy of close monitoring. 

The suggestion, therefore, that the Islamic Republic of Iran is now regarded as posing the second most potent threat to Britain in security circles shows just how much progress the ayatollahs have made in developing their military strength while the rest of the world has been distracted by the tragic events unfolding in Ukraine. 

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Update: Expert: Iran Gearing Up to Attack Britain, West (Newsmax)  

WNU Editor: I do not see Iran preparing to attack the West right now. They have too much on their plate right now to focus on escalating tensions with the West.


B.Poster said...

I doubt Iran will attack the "west." They may attack the United States though. Perhaps they do have "allot on their plate." For things such as domestic unrest, uniting the people behind the need to confront a "foreign devil" can have utility for a leadership class. An imminent attack against the United States mainland or crucial interests abroad by Iran should be expected abd our leadership should be preparing accordingly.

Anonymous said...

I think the Iranians are smart enough to know tgat an attack by them would be a dream come true for the US and the Israelis.

Them these two could counter attack and destroy everything.
One word describes an Iranian attack


B.Poster said...

You underestimate Iranian and allied capabilities. Underestimating an adversary can be very dangerous. Our government may order a counter attack assuming we can do do that may destroy much as a final desperate move. Besides there's no guarantee the Israelis would even get involved should Iran attack Ameruca. Hopefully our leadership is preparing for the coming attack.

While we can prevail, we should be under no delusions. Defeating Iran will not be easy and 10s of millions of Americans would die in such a war. This looks more like a "nightmare" to me than "a dream come true." Again, with proper planning and allocation of resources this can be prevented. Underestimating the abilities of a major adversary is unlikely to end well.