Wednesday, March 1, 2023

US Air Force Fires 2 Commanders, 4 Leaders At North Dakota Nuclear Bomber And Missile Base

CNN: Exclusive: US Air Force fires leaders for failing nuclear safety inspection 

Two US Air Force commanders and four of their subordinates at a key nuclear base in North Dakota were relieved of duty this week after their units failed an inspection designed to ensure that the nuclear weapons stockpile is safe and secure at all times, two defense officials told CNN. 

The removals occurred at Minot Air Force Base, which is the only Air Force installation that houses two legs of the “nuclear triad” – ballistic missile silos and strategic bombers. 

The officials told CNN that the six service members were relieved of duty following the failed nuclear surety inspection at the base. The nuclear surety inspection is a pass/fail test and the results are classified. 

There is no indication that the failed inspection was related to the handling of a nuclear weapon itself. Another defense official said the failure was for “non-compliance vehicle and equipment safety inspections.”  

Read more .... 

 Update #1: Six leaders fired from Air Force nuclear base in North Dakota (Air Force Times)  

Update #2: Air Force relieves 2 commanders, 4 leaders at North Dakota nuclear bomber, missile base (FOX News).  

WNU Editor: The way these firings were handled makes me wonder if there is some psychological vetting happening within the US Air Force right now??


Hans Persson said...

Vetting as in making sure they will all pull the trigger?

Anonymous said...

My Alberta Provençal alert system was going off for half an hour in testing today. On my phone while driving. My brother sent me an email about alert system testing in England too. A lot of shit is going down right now, especially when considering that dooms day nuke plane is in Europe right now. Something is going on here guys, lot of strange things happening all at once here

Anonymous said...


The firing of high level leadership on this base is a concern. The theory that these guys were relieved for not pulling the trigger during an exercise is going around the internet.

But I agree with what is going on in the NCA / DEFCON environment. Planes are being shifted around, Systems are being tested. Amounts of military Exercises seem to be going on. They are preparing.

Anonymous said...

Perhaps a Harold Hering situation?

Harold L. Hering (born 1936) is a former officer of the United States Air Force, who was discharged in 1975 for requesting basic information about checks and balances to prevent an unauthorized order to launch nuclear missiles.

"The Major's hesitation initiated extensive hearings and administrative procedures. Later, he professed that he really would turn keys and that his hesitation had been misunderstood. I examined the record thoroughly and discovered that, for a fact, he had repeated several times in the record that he would readily turn keys. Then in each instance, his affirmative assertion was followed immediately by a personal subjective qualification. Yes, he would turn keys upon receipt of an authentic order from proper authority; if he thought the order was legal; if he thought the circumstances necessitated an ICBM launch; if he was convinced that it was a rational moral necessity, and so on. Every affirmative answer was qualified by a subjective condition."

- Quote from the Radiolab episode "Nukes"

At the time where Harold questioned the chain of command, Nixon was busily building his "madman" image, which in turn caused the men inside this silo to wonder if it might actually be real. Fast forward to 2023 and the president literally has brain damage and his dementia worsens by the day. Not hard to imagine why some operators might be questioning the validity of such orders. But who knows.

Anonymous said...

Psychological? Doubtful

I think it is a juggling problem. Juggling resources with required maintenance, checks and training. Do the leaders have enough resources? Do the leaders have the resources and are just lazy or fixated on something else?

The military I know is the leaders go from exercise to exercise, What metric being measured are subpar ahead of the inspectors. They come up with a plan and by the time the inspectors get there and inspect. What they inspect is good the it is on to the next inspection/emergency. By the time the first inspection rolls around again, things are subpar in that area. Sort of the nature of the beast. I would be careful in criticising these relieved officers.

If the above conspiracies theory is on target the Russians will get paid for their wages of sin. Russia helped create the Biden crime family.

Anonymous said...

strange layoffs at this point in the championship, would they have pressed the button before Russia attacked ukraine in retaliation? what it looks like is that Biden and his gang want to see Russia attack ukraine without nuclear retaliation at the same level

Anonymous said...

In the old days, you did not "fire" a general or any other military person. You transferred him. You discharged him. You downgraded his rank.
Just saying