Thursday, March 9, 2023

US Air Force General Says In A War Over Taiwan, Sinking Chinese Ships Will Be The Priority

Gen. Kenneth Wilsbach, commander of Pacific Air Forces, speaks during the 2023 Warfare Symposium in Aurora, Colo., March 8, 2023. (U.S. Air Force photo by Eric Dietrich) In a War Over Taiwan, First Step Needs to Be Sinking Chinese Ships, Air Force General Says 

The U.S. military would have to focus on sinking Chinese ships if a war broke out over Taiwan, according to the commander of the United States' Pacific Air Forces. 

That's one of the lessons Gen. Kenneth Wilsbach took from the scramble of military activity that accompanied a visit by former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) to the island in August 2022. 

"You saw when Speaker Pelosi went to Taiwan, what [China] did with their ships," Wilsbach told reporters at the Air & Space Forces Association Warfare Symposium in Aurora, Colorado, on Wednesday. "They put them on the east side of Taiwan" -- the side opposite China -- "as a sort of blockade."  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: A few months ago I asked a friend of mine who served in the Canadian Navy on what will the Chinese Navy be facing as they to transit across the Taiwan Strait while invading. He gave me a blunt answer. For these Chinese naval personnel it will be 8 hours of hell. 

I think he is right, and this is the missile that will do it .... The missile that could save Taiwan from a Chinese invasion (SandBoxx).


Anonymous said...

The five eyes are overestimating itself.

Anonymous said...

Everyone is dreaming of how they can win this war scenario without carriers. What does that say about carriers? That they're great for pushing around third world shit holes that can't hit back, but vs. a peer competitor it's standoff-range or bust?

Anonymous said...

Well considering the fact the usa goverment sat and slept for the past 16 years .and your leader at this time is sound a sleep nato and America better hope nk, Iran,Russia, China, and any other country that sides with them does not plan there coordinated strikes on nato .we are screwed right know. China is bigger then you think 100000 men could take America and Canada right now.

Anonymous said...

Wnu, tell your navy friend that his country coundn't even shoot down a balloon not too long ago.

Anonymous said...

The modern era has made it such that crossing would be impossible. I do not believe the Chinese can accomplish this with modern missile tech.

Anonymous said...

Nice of him to tell the Chinese the battle plans of the US military.

Dave Goldstein said...

Nobody would win this war without nukes. I can see the chinese attacking taiwan with conventional weapons and them getting hit with all of our strike packages and nuking guam in response. Then it gets nasty