Wednesday, March 8, 2023

U.S. Intelligence Chiefs Believe Russia Unlikely To Make Major Ukraine Gains This Year


The Guardian: Russia unlikely to make major Ukraine gains this year – US intelligence chief 

Avril Haines tells of ‘grinding, attritional war’ but sounds cautious note over Ukraine’s prospects in expected counter-offensive 

Washington does not believe the Russian military can recover from its losses in Ukraine to make territorial gains there this year, the top US intelligence official has said, but she warned that Vladimir Putin still believes that time is on his side. 

The assessment, presented by the director of national intelligence, Avril Haines, at a Senate hearing on Wednesday morning, was noncommittal on whether Ukraine could take back significant amounts of occupied land in its planned counter-offensive this spring. Haines said that would depend on multiple factors, including the loss of Ukrainian troops and equipment in resisting Russian attacks.  

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U.S. Intelligence Chiefs Believe Russia Unlikely To Make Major Ukraine Gains This Year  

Russia Cannot Regain Momentum in Ukraine Without Help, U.S. Intel Warns -- Reuters 

Russia will have to rely on nukes, cyberattacks, and China since its military is being thrashed in Ukraine, US intel director says -- Business Insider  

US intelligence chief: Russia may switch to defense due to lack of resources -- Kyiv Independent


Mr. Nobody said...

We shall see. The propaganda narrative is so strong , that you really cannot tell what is going to happen when considering what the intel guys are saying. Remember also. the intel is so washed down by the time it gets to their ( national leadership) level it is immediately suspect anyway.

Anonymous said...

This "intel information" is in the same league as Fazman's 130 tanks in the Ukraine by 1 March intel. Has not happened yet fazzy. BTW Where is my 50 American dollars?

copley7 said...

This is scary. If thats what they believe they are fools, means problems ahead.

If Ukraine last to December 31, 2023 it'll be a miracle. Think "Operation Bagration" or the Vistula-Oder campaigns of WW2 overruning Ukraine or even only the Kiev region.

Russians are fast learners. West is in panic for a reason.

Anonymous said...

Meanwhile the Russians are using mothballed tanks from the 60s and those are getting scarce as well.


Fast learners my ass. In 7 months they have not taken Bakhmut.

Now 7 months 1 week and 1 day.

Anonymous said...

"Intelligence chiefs"? More like Monty Python extras

Anonymous said...

Pay him up fazboy. We know you're here snooping.

Anonymous said...

So is your Nan xx

Anonymous said...

Let's see you take bakhmut when there are 20 combat brigades emplaced in that zone and they are dug in. The question is how many of those brigades still have most of thier original cadre and if theses brigades are still listed on the roles

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Doesn’t matter what the unintelligence chiefs are saying. Negotiations are off the table regardless. Reality will assert itself.

Anonymous said...

There absolutely should be negotiations. Russia should cede Bryansk.