Tuesday, April 25, 2023

A U.S. - Sudan Timeline

WNU Editor: I guess someone wants to make sure that the deal for a Russian naval base in Sudan does not happen.


RussInSoCal said...

So another Biden proxy war.

Anonymous said...

Fucking US, #1 terrorist organization in the world.

RussInSoCal said...

1:40 AM

Go back to bed. Before you clown yourself.

Hans Persson said...

Or Russia is simply sowing unrest because of that deal.

Anonymous said...

Why Tucker was likely fired

3days before the firing:

Anonymous said...

Robert F Kennedy (D)

"Fox fires @TuckerCarlson five days after he crosses the red line by acknowledging that the TV networks pushed a deadly and ineffective vaccine to please their Pharma advertisers. Carlson’s breathtakingly courageous April 19 monologue broke TV’s two biggest rules: Tucker told the truth about how greedy Pharma advertisers controlled TV news content and he lambasted obsequious newscasters for promoting jabs they knew to be lethal and worthless. For many years, Tucker has had the nation's biggest audience averaging 3.5 million — 10 times the size of CNN. Fox just demonstrated the terrifying power of Big Pharma"

Anonymous said...

well another background

news story you won't see on the MSM.

this is a good example why the American public is mis informed and have totally wrong perspectives on what is going on in the world. Meaning, thier perspective is many times out of sync with reality.

Makes for a dangerous world.

Anonymous said...

The Democrats were in a bind, falling behind and looking to make a steal.

The Demo's went to Georgia ...

Anonymous said...

So, what if the Russians stationed 4 frigates or destroyers at Port Sudan?

1) It complicates deployment against them in case of war. You have to have enough assets to take them out in port preferably or in the Red Sea. 1 to 3 cruise missiles apiece would be enough. The Saudis could easily handle it, if they were our allies. The Saudis were never 100% our allies, but it drifted down past 80% of or 50% (?) with Bezos, Washington Post, Joe Bite Me, and the Democrats.

These 4 or so destroyers would be like the Prince of Wales and Repulse in the Straights of Malacca. The Red Sea and Straight of Malacca are a lot alike in that they are narrow and long. There is not a lot of room to maneuver.

Dispersing the Russian fleet makes creaming a a Russian base in Russia ICO war easier. Easier to get complete splash. at that base. Four ships in the port of Sudan without the full complement of AD are sitting sucks.

Perhaps requirements for a foreign officer should be more than taking the current test and preferentially knowing a foreign language. Perhaps they should be good at military board games or table top games or computer war simulations. There is a lot of war playing going on by dunces.

Four Russian ship in the Red Seas would be well placed to sometimes help suppress piracy off the coast of Somalia. they might or could do that. Anyone ask?

The Saudis are very well trained in artillery due to the Yemen war. Their air ops are better too. Fixed, mobile or air radar on their west coast would get lots of practice with four Russian ships assuming they were US allies and assuming that President Joe Biatch did not go about saying MBS should be arrested.

What if the Russians ship had acquired docking rights for a base in Djibouti alongside the Americans. Chinese and French? Should Djibouti be blown up as a country? If not Djibouti, then why Sudan?

Larry Johnson, a former CIA analyst (3 decades ago), working at Gateway Pundit already suggest US involvement in this 3 or 4 days ago. I am not a big fan of Larry's on somethings.

The general's of the rival forces are rival's. So it it hard to be 100% certain if this was spontaneous.

You cannot have a Wehrmacht and a SS
You cannot have a Russian Army and a Wagner.
You cannot have a Sudanese Army and a RSF.

The RSF was supposed to be folded into the Sudanese Army.

The "fuck the EU" comment does not bother me. It is an interjection. A show of exasperation. Germany traded with Iran when we were suppose to have sanctions against Iran. French leaders are bad too at times. De Gaulle survived an attempted assassination attempt in WW2 by the British. The French submarine Surcout was suspect in WW2. The French placed bugs on the Concorde to conduct economic espionage against American businesses. the list is long.

So Nuland went to Sudan. She has to know here publicity is negative. She could be could be trying to save the day. could be. But she has to know, if she doesn't that perception will be worse than if she did not go. If she goes anyway? Then she is not taking one for the team. It shows hubris. Makes me wonder if her hubby is an incel or is banging the help. Hubris.

The Biden administration can have a policy and the words can be delivered by the current ambo. do the words get better if delivered by Nuland? Of course if the words are delivered by Nuland, there is not signals intercept. Still the Sudan ambo could have went to Washington and them carried the words back. So why Nuland.

Hate the fcking Russian trolls here. But Nuland is like , State Dept employee Wendy Sherman or Chuck U Schumer or ...

They are here all my adult life and things do not get better.

Ron said...

I agree. The only one on cable TV news who would see a story like this and think we should see it was Tucker. So here I sit on the internet, looking for what is happening without the government narratives.

I do not want to live through the collapse of these united states but it is probably the only way to stop our incessant meddling.

Anonymous said...

Once again the UK and European countries are evacuating their citizens from Sudan while Biden, just as in Afghanistan, tells Americans to go pound sand

Anonymous said...

How's that coffee treating ya?

Anonymous said...

better than the coffee enema you just used

you know that shit won't cure STDs?

Anonymous said...

Empire of chaos.

Anonymous said...

something is wrong somewhere somehow sometime

Anonymous said...

Rebels get control of 'gain of function' lab now?


Anonymous said...


Lots if hate?

follow George Bush, and say this in your best southern Texas accent........

Dont be a hater , like AL-Kater.