Wednesday, April 12, 2023

Are There Only 100 NATO Special Forces Operators In Ukraine?

  A Son Of The New American Revolution: Looking At the U.S. and NATO Presence in Ukraine — Is That All There Is? 

This document, based on what you see, appears to be Unclassified. If there is a classification marking in the upper right hand corner, it is obscured. As you can see, it primarily provides a summary of the Composition & Disposition of the U.S. forces — air, maritime and soldiers — in the European theater. There are 92,000 U.S. military personnel in the European AOR (i.e., Aera of Operations), but they are not in Ukraine. 

The image also shows the US/NATO Special Operations Forces in Ukraine (you can read Jim Hoft’s report on this here) and the total US presence in Ukraine, which is 100 persons. According to the image of the document published on Twitter, the Department of State has more people in Ukraine than the Department of Defense. There are 71 people listed as State Department (i.e., DoS) and 29 military personnel. Of those 29, 14 are SOF aka Special Operations Forces. the remaining 15 consist of the Defense Attache (DAO), personnel with the Office of Defense Cooperation (essentially traffic cops handling the flow of U.S. military aid to Ukraine) and the Marine Security Augmentation Unit (MSAU), which provides security for U.S. diplomatic facilities.  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: The West has given Ukraine tens of billions of dollars in weapons. The idea that there are only a few dozen soldiers from the West who are providing some sort of accountability for all of these weapons makes no sense to me.


Anonymous said...

Who cares?
Russia has it coming to them.

How many Russian soldiers were operating Russian Buk anti-aircraft systems in Donbas in 2014? Don't lie to us and say some civilian joined the Donbas militia and started operating it. That is not you job to tell that particular lie. A troll will come by and take the hand off.

Anonymous said...

"A group of masked pro-Russian militants under the command of retired FSB officer Igor Girkin took control of the city administration building, police offices, and SBU building in Sloviansk,[89] a city in the northern part of Donetsk Oblast, on 12 April"

Who is Igor Girkin?

But it is okay. It is not the same. Igor is an FSB officer not a special operator.

Anonymous said...

And what's wrong with old Igor? What a great guy! Totally misunderstood personality.

Next week , see him on "Dancing With the Stars."

Dave Goldstein said...

No, 100? give me a break. there are more news whores than that. 10,000 maybe more.

fazman said...

Aren't 10000 in all of nato lol

fazman said...

Exactly , and they're not used as accountants on the battlefield. They'd be calling in airstrikes , surveillance etc much like Iraq 91

Mr. Nobody said...

You want to count all of NATO or you want to talk US numbers?

And here is were it gets sketchy and they lie to you.

The United States....We only have 100 SF in Ukraine!

Ok what do they mean by this?

We have only 100 SF troops that are assigned to the MILGRP?

We have only 100 CONUS based SF inUkraine , but that does not count the MILGRP numbers?

We have only 100 SF troops that are assigned to the MILGRP and we are NOT counting the other xxx amount that are attached, to the MILGRP but not assigned.

We have only 100 SF troops that are assigned to the MILGRP and we are not counting the BLACK OPs guys or the other elements assign to the OGA.

We have only 100 SF troops that are assigned to the MILGRP and not counting those assigned to SHAPE Europe , working with other countries who are also in th Ukraine

We have only 100 SF troops that are assigned to the MILGRP, But we are not counting our PMC's like Triple canopy , Tiger Swan and the others who are under contract.

We have only 100 SF troops that are assigned to the MILGRP and not counting the XXX amount of SF troops from other countries such as the Australian SAS , Brit SAS, German SF and French SF.

And it goes on and on.

How many US SF are in Ukraine and how many Nato are there? God only knows.

Anonymous said...

^^^ Russian troll houri

Anonymous said...

Ukraine War: Zelensky Embezzled $400 Million Allocated By The US For Purchasing Fuel – Seymour Hersh

Anonymous said...


Know this. Supposing it is true. Supposing. And supposing that Zelensky used it for some other part of the war effort, it is not a crime. I suggest you study American budgeting. It is called reprogramming money. Above a certain level in government you can do it. Everyone else goes to jail.

If it is that much money the CIA certainly would know. So some state Department dude gave permission and one or more Biden chaperones gave also acquiesced. Hersh may have the story, bit not the whole story.

One thig you learn in the military is, if the general blows through his budget, he can go to jail. Those above him not so much.

So here it is you did not take me up on the OJT thang. So you are still all TPM and brown nosing. Dude, sooner or later one of your bosses is going to give you something incurable.

Anonymous said...

Yea he reprogrammed that money, read what hersch actually said , hot shot.

Zelinski reprogrammed that money to his overseas bank account

Anonymous said...

No , not troll. Saw the very same in past MIL experience.
It gives them a way of stating something without lieing, but not telling the truth either.
Works well.